Zeta Blobbers is the future counterpart of Blobbers in Skylanders: Trap Team that resides 10,000 years in the The Future of Skylands. He is the leader of the Resistance in the fight against Emperor Wolfgang. He helps the Skylanders infiltrate and blow up the Big Bad Woofer by piloting a spaceship.
- "Poff! Poff! That’s a code word, by the way. Well, one of them was. The other was an actual cough. Anyway, I can get you inside the Big Bad Woofer. But of course, only if you follow me. Poff! That was also a cough."
- "Oh no, you’ve been caught in the atom smasher! Don’t worry happens to the best of us sometimes. I’ll find a way to get you out. But in the meantime, just try not to get crushed."
- "You made it! I’ve deduced that the secret to destroying this Big Bad Woofer is to locate it’s weak point. All giant, evil weapons have a weak point, you know? Just find the blueprints and we’ll figure out what it is!"
- "Smort’s ring finger, you did it! You found the blueprints! Now all we’ve got to do is destroy the power conduits from the outside.”
- "Ha! Without power, Wolfgang's Big Bad Woofer is gonna be a little not so bad woofer in no time."
- "You’re doing it, Skylander!"
- "We’ve shut down the Big Bad Woofer’s power supply and the concert is canceled! We did it!!! Huzzah!!!!! I guess there’s still the matter of capturing Emperor Wolfgang. I’ll leave that to you though. He, uh, terrifies me.”
See also[]
- One of his dialogue lines seems to be misplaced, as he comments on the Skylander needing to cross the Atom Smasher after they have already done so.
- Zeta Blobbers teleports to the other side of the atom smasher after the Skylanders fall in.
- Despite his name, Zeta Blobbers isn't a robot, nor has any cyborg or android characteristics.