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“A pack of foul villains have invaded our dig-site, and are making off with our rare finds!”

Willowbark is a Treeman who appears in various missions throughout Skylanders: Swap Force. He is the most excitable and skittish archaeologist in Skylands. After years of studying, he discovered a secret technique that maximizes the effectiveness of Kingdom decorations. In his spare time, Willowbark stays busy by volunteering as the local Fire Chief.[1]

He was first encountered in Rampant Ruins as an archaeologist, explaining to the Skylander that a certain villain had made off with his group's rare finds and was using Petrified Darkness to evilize the local Sugarbats. He appeared again in Fantasm Forest where it was revealed that he is the Chief of the Volunteer Fire Brigade. To assist, the Skylanders join him in extinguishing fires across the villages of Fantasm Forest and the Gillmen Airships. Their efforts culminate in rescuing the Ancient Tree Spirit from Kaos' evilized flames.

Other game appearances

Skylanders: Lost Islands

Willowbark is also an unlockable companion in Skylanders: Lost Islands. Upon being unlocked, he doubles the XP Bonus of all Decorations placed in the Kingdom.


  • "I'll meet you up ahead but be careful Skylander, there are pointy spiky traps all over!'
  • "Hello again my friends! We seem to be having a problem with Sugarbats! Well, not Sugarbats exactly, that'd be somewhat absurd. These were spiky, enraged, purple Sugarbats. Some villain is using the Petrified Darkness to "evilize" these poor creatures!"
  • "According to the ancient texts the Arkeyans waged a battle here against Stone Totem creatures. I believe that only the power of a Skylander can reactivate them."
  • "The legends say that once it's awakened the Stone Monkey will come to your aid and fight against the darkness!"
  • "How wonderful to see you again, my friend! Yes, yes, I am Chief of the Volunteer Fire Brigade. I hurried over as soon as I heard. I am ready to assist! A job like this requires our top-of-the-line Fireflooder vehicle! Hop in, Skylander! The Gillmen ships are still on fire and need our help!"
  • "There's the first ship, Skylander! Man the water cannons and drown those flames!"
  • "That's the last of it for now. Masterful work, Skylander! You're a true firefighter at heart."
  • "Our tanks are dry. I need to land and refill before we move on. Why don't you scout the area for more of those pesky trolls, and I'll meet you atop that waterfall."
  • "Skylander! I just received a distress call! Kaos has set fire to Foreverspring Village! All of my people are in danger. Hurry, we haven't a moment to spare!"
  • "Jolly good show, Skylander! You saved Foreverspring Village. It's a bit too hot for landing, so I'll drop you off here. You have to clear out Kaos' minions. Please don't let them destroy our home."
  • "Nothing stands in our way now, Skylander. Are you ready to take the fight to Kaos? We can't let him harm the Ancient Tree Spirit."
  • "That villain has caged her with that evilized fire! She has nowhere left to go! We must put out those fires before Kaos can evilize her!"
  • "Great job, Skylander! The Ancient is safe, but Kaos is trying to escape. We have our chance to stop him for good."
  • "Kaos is within range! Hit him with the cannon!"
  • "You did it, Skylander! We defeated Kaos and his army, and you have saved the Tree Spirit."



  • In Fantasm Forest, his hair color is white, differing from his other appearances where it is more of an orange-leaf hue.
  • His British accent and red mustache make him resemble Nigel Thornberry from the Wild Thornberrys.
  • His species is quite similar to that of Stump Smash and Tree Rex, as they are all tree creatures.
  • In concept art, Willowbark originally had darker bark and green hair.[2]
  • Willowbark's early name was "Barkley."[3] The same name later went on to grace the Mini Barkley.


  1. Skylanders Lost Islands, Willowbark entry
  2. Strata: The Art of Skylanders Swap Force, page 120.
  3. Skylanders Swap Force - All Alpha Dialogue/Voicelines. (Date Posted - Dec 16, 2023). YouTube.
Non Playable Characters
Swap Force

Tessa - Whiskers - Rufus - Tuk - Gorm - Chieftess - Snagglescale - Willowbark - Wheellock
Sharpfin - Avril - Fizzy - Duff - Softpaw - Flashfin - Terrasquid - Frosthound - Tree Spirit
Hugo - Cali - Prospector - Water Dragon - Margaret - The Ferryman
