Treetop Circle is a Faylair Jungle area in the Nintendo 3DS version of Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure.
Main Chapters Shattered Island - Perilous Pastures - Sky Schooner Docks - Stormy Stronghold - Oilspill Island Dark Water Cove - Leviathan Lagoon - Crystal Eye Castle - Stonetown - Treetop Terrace - Falling Forest Troll Warehouse- Goo Factory - Battlefield -Crawling Catacombs - Cadaverous Crypt - Creepy Citadel Molekin Mine - Lava Lakes Railway - Quicksilver Vault - Arkeyan Armory - Lair of Kaos Battle Arenas Mushroom Grove - Cyclops Square - Aqueduct - Volcanic Vault - Troll FactoryIcicle Isle - Pirate Grotto - The Necropolis - Cube Dungeon 3DS Areas Radiant Isles (World) - Sanctuary (Hub) - Dark Mirror (Endgame Level) Brighthold Battlements - Rivenrock Caverns - Whitefall Summits - Faylair Jungle - Galecrack Ruins 3DS Area Levels Towersight Fields - The Proving Grounds - Flooded Viaducts - Radiant Fountain - Dreamgardens Ashburrow - Magma Bank Island - Cinderstream Pass - Luminous Quarry - Lava Flow Grotto Snowblind Hills - Frostsedge - Glacial Slopes - Icelight - Aurora Peak Leaflook Village - Breakmarsh - Daystar Temple - Treetop Circle - Waterwalk Way Sunblight Wood - Thundersquall - Whipwind Mountains - Stormseye - Galecrack Castle
Main Chapters Time of the Giants - Junkyard Isles - Rumbletown - Cutthroat Carnival - Glacier Gully - Secret Vault of Secrets Wilikin Village - Troll Home Security - Kaos' Kastle - Aerial Attack! - Drill-X's Big Rig - Molekin Mountain The Oracle - Autogyro Adventure - Lost City of Arkus - Bringing Order to Kaos! Battle Arenas Slime Pipe - Docks of Doom - Cliff Dive Crag - Lockdown Islands - Sunrise TowersWheel of Power (Ultimate) - Metal Hive 3DS Chapters Daring Rescue - Head Hunting - Lost and Found - Through the Ruins - Tiki Tumble - Sand Trap - The Tar Pits The Windy Dunes - A Walk in the Park - Westernland - Tunnel of Love - Murky Waters - Stuck in the Mud Overgrowth - Marsh Madness - Cannon Fodder - Ships Ahoy - Phantom Tide Rising - Saving Skylands
Main Chapters Mount Cloudbreak - Cascade Glade - Mudwater Hollow - Rampant Ruins - Jungle Rumble - Iron Jaw Gulch Motleyville - Twisty Tunnels - Serpent's Peak - Boney Islands - Winter Keep - Frostfest Mountains Mesmeralda's Show - Fantasm Forest - Kaos' Fortress - Motherly Mayhem - Cloudbreak Core 3DS Chapters Sky Docks - Spooky Woods - Toadstool Terrace - Fountain Springs - The Fuel Machine Shimmer Shard Shire - Crystal Caverns - Twilight Fortress - Above the Sea - Robot Factory Robot Assembly Center - Samurai Springs - Bonsai Bay - Fire Flow Valley - The Party Town Down the River - The Haunted Villa - Clockwork Castle - Clockwork Arena
Main Chapters Soda Springs - Know-It-All Island - Chompy Mountain - The Phoenix Psanctuary - Chef Zeppelin Rainfish Riviera - Monster Marsh - Telescope Towers - Mystic Mill - Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink Wilikin Workshop - Time Town - The Future of Skylands - Operation: Troll Rocket Steal - Skyhighlands The Golden Desert - Lair of the Golden Queen - The Ultimate Weapon 3DS Chapters Underhalls - Sacred Town - Rocky Gate - Temple of Waking - Windy Pass - Hot Springs Village Monastery of Waking - Sunny Harbor - Royal Rooftops - Palace of Waking - Hugo's Nightmare Sleep Dragon's Lair - Dream Sheep's Dominion - Dream Sheep's Lair
Chapter Areas The Rift to Skylands - The Cloudbreather's Crag - The Cloud Kingdom - Land of the Undead - BattleBrawl Island Spell Punk Library - Gadfly Glades - Cap'n Cluck's Chicken HQ - Monstrous Isles - Ridepocalypse Demo Derby Vault of the Ancients - The Bandit Train - The Sky Eater Race Tracks Chompy Garden - Dragon Spine - Frozen Fossil Festival - Mystical Vault - Calamity Canyon - Cloud FactoryTemple of Arkus - The After Party - Tropic Plunder - The Golden Temple - Cluck's Cuckoo Nest - The Clock Rock SuperChargers Racing Tracks Chompy Mountain - Trollympic Village - Temple of Boom - Pandercastle Raceway - Grill-X's Big BBQ Pandercastle Skyride - Robomill Forest - Frosty Volcano - Cactus Canyon - Arkeyan Forge Gooey Goo Works - Octoasis - Pandercastle Waterpark - Middle of Snowhere - Risky Rapids
Main Chapters Cradle of Creation - Mushroom River - Scholarville - Shellmont Shores - Sky Fortress - Fizzland The Golden Arcade - Dragon Temple - Abandoned Amusement Park - The Lair of Kaos Sensei Elemental Realms Air - Dark - Earth - Fire - Life - Light - Magic - Tech - Undead - Water Additional Levels Battle Arena - Rat Kingdom - The Battleship - Calamity City/Trouble Town Mausoleum of Madness/Danger Dungeon - Battlefield Blitz/Operation: More War