The Trap Team, individually referred to as Trap Masters, are a group of Skylanders who use special crystallized weapons to weaken villains in Skylanders: Trap Team. They were the ones who originally caught and imprisoned the villains, including the notorious Doom Raiders, in Cloudcracker Prison. However, they were banished to Earth after the prison walls were blown up by Kaos.
When near a Traptanium crystal cluster or when facing a trappable villain, the Trap Team's Traptanium weaponry glow brightly.
List of Trap Masters
- The Trap Team were originally called Crystal Warriors during development.[1]
- Each Trap Master has the Trap Team symbol somewhere on their attire or bodies.
- Because the Trap Team's weapons are made of Traptanium, they are the same color as the elemental trap they represent.
- In toy form, Trap Masters are about the same size as the Giants.
- Gearshift, Head Rush, Tuff Luck, and Knight Mare are the only female Trap Masters.
- Out of all the Trap Masters, Blastermind and Short Cut are the shortest.
- When used with Villains, they get a timer that drains slower, but recharges faster.
- Trap Masters are the only Skylanders that can open elemental gates in Trap Team.
- This does not apply to the 3DS version.
- Snap Shot, Lob-Star, Gearshift, Gusto, and Ka-Boom are the only Trap Masters to use long-range weaponry.
- In the 3DS version, the Trap Team has a special power called a "Trap Attack", which is similar to Sky-Chi in Skylanders: Imaginators.
- Jawbreaker and Snap Shot are the only Trap Masters to have more than one alternate counterpart. Each one having an Alt Deco figure and an Alter Ego, and Snap Shot having an Instant counterpart.
- ↑ Trap Team's Magic Moment. (Date Posted - Dec 11, 2014). YouTube.