Skylanders Wiki

The Windy Dunes is the third area of the Sand Dune Seas area. Because of the giant sandstorm, the Skylanders need to find some leftover technology to fix the Dread-Yacht and escape the Sand Dune Seas.


Story Mission

  • Obtain Ship Piece

Bonus Mission

  • Time Challenge


  • Collect Coins - 300
  • Elemental Gates - WaterSymbolSkylanders/LifeSymbolSkylanders
  • Giant Areas - 2
  • Knock Piggies Free - 10
Skylands (World) - Cap'n Flynn's Ship (Hub)

Main Chapters
Time of the Giants - Junkyard Isles - Rumbletown - Cutthroat Carnival - Glacier Gully - Secret Vault of Secrets
Wilikin Village - Troll Home Security - Kaos' Kastle - Aerial Attack! - Drill-X's Big Rig - Molekin Mountain
The Oracle - Autogyro Adventure - Lost City of Arkus - Bringing Order to Kaos!
3DS Chapters
Daring Rescue - Head Hunting - Lost and Found - Through the Ruins - Tiki Tumble - Sand Trap - The Tar Pits
The Windy Dunes - A Walk in the Park - Westernland - Tunnel of Love - Murky Waters - Stuck in the Mud
Overgrowth - Marsh Madness - Cannon Fodder - Ships Ahoy - Phantom Tide Rising - Saving Skylands
