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Telescope Tower is the eighth chapter in Skylanders: Trap Team. This surreal science observatory has been warped by the dream manipulation of the Dreamcatcher, who is stealing information on Traptanium from the dreams of the Mabu scientists.


  • Find and Defeat Dreamcatcher

Elemental Gates[]

Area to Find[]

  • Galactic Bubble Center
  • Pulse Block Plains
  • Embroidered Bridge
  • Chamber Entrance
  • Back-to-Back Stack-N-Jack
  • Watering Hole Encounter (Water)
  • Hypnosis Pocus
  • Cosmic Chamber
  • Pulse Block Pillow Pit (Magic)
  • Observation Terrace (Villains)
  • Observatory Loggia
  • The Magic Frame Game (Magic)
  • Grinding Gears (Tech)
  • Meditation Pool
  • Impossible Gravity Collider (Undead)
  • Roof Observation Deck (Magic)
  • Framing an Art Attack
  • The Great Spiral Observatory (Tech)
  • Dream a Little Dream Beds
  • Feng Shui Shove
  • Stairway to the Stars
  • Spiral Balcony
  • Waterfall Fall (Water)
  • Library Lock Out

New Enemies[]

Wanted Villains[]

Villain Element
Hood Sickle Villain Icon Hood Sickle Undead
Pain-Yatta Villain Icon Pain-Yatta Magic
Dreamcatcher Villain Icon Dreamcatcher Air

Legendary Treasures[]

  • Legendary Cyclops Teddy Bear

Villain Quests[]

Soul Gems[]


  • Rugby Hat
  • Old-Time Movie Hat
  • Synchronized Swimming Cap



  • The Wii version contains a glitch where the game will completely freeze if the level is not finished within approximately 15 minutes.
  • In the Hypnosis Pocus area, the two scientists, Arthur and Stanley, are depicted wearing a Tin foil hat and a bird hat respectively in their dialogue portraits. However, neither of them are actually wearing a hat.
  • Strange, dreamlike creatures can be seen in the sky around Telescope Towers, including a rainbow-colored whale, a staring eyeball, and floating three-eyed balls with propeller camps. The latter can be destroyed when hit by Skylanders' attacks.
  • The level's music changes around the jack-in-the-box hazards, becoming significantly lower in quality and therefore more unsettling.
  • In the Meditative Pool area, rolling the wooden balls off the platform's waterfall will result in a shower of treasure.
  • Telescope Towers contains more Super Bounce Pads than another other Skylanders level, all chained together into one lengthy leaping sequence.
  • The Tech Gate in this level reuses assets and aesthetic design from the Tech gates in Skylanders: Swap Force.
  • There are three giant eyeballs in the skybox of the Level. One of them can be seen in the Skystones Smash game against Galli.
  • Once the Magic Gate has been explored, many of the optional puzzle rooms in this level will play the Magic areas' elemental music. This is likely an error, given that earlier puzzle rooms use Telescope Towers's normal indoor music.
Trap Team
Skylands (World) - Skylanders Academy (Hub) - Eternal Archives (3DS Hub)

Main Chapters
Soda Springs - Know-It-All Island - Chompy Mountain - The Phoenix Psanctuary - Chef Zeppelin
Rainfish Riviera - Monster Marsh - Telescope Towers - Mystic Mill - Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink
Wilikin Workshop - Time Town - The Future of Skylands - Operation: Troll Rocket Steal - Skyhighlands
The Golden Desert - Lair of the Golden Queen - The Ultimate Weapon
3DS Chapters
Underhalls - Sacred Town - Rocky Gate - Temple of Waking - Windy Pass - Hot Springs Village
Monastery of Waking - Sunny Harbor - Royal Rooftops - Palace of Waking - Hugo's Nightmare
Sleep Dragon's Lair - Dream Sheep's Dominion - Dream Sheep's Lair
