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Soda Springs is the introductory chapter in Skylanders: Trap Team. Soda of different flavors run through this land, providing the Mabu with enough soda for their annual festivals. After the explosion of Cloudcracker Prison, the Doom Raider The Gulper lands in Soda Springs and began rampaging through the village, drinking all of the soda in the area and swelling to monstrous size. It is up to the Skylanders to stop The Gulper and save the Mabu.


  • Find and defeat Sheep Creep
  • Save Soda Springs from disaster

Elemental Gates[]

Areas To Find[]

  • Sugar Plateau
  • Cola Stream
  • Backwash Spillway
  • Soda Flats
  • Hidden Flavor Grotto
  • Natural Ingredients Tree
  • Seltzer Pit
  • Carbonated Plant (Water)
  • Twisting Top
  • Secret Ingredients
  • Melon Flavor Farm (Life)
  • Sugar-Free Landing
  • Zero Calorie Cavern (Tech)
  • Really Secret Spot
  • Grape-Flavored Vista
  • Bottleneck Balcony
  • Fizzleworts Rooftop

New Enemies[]

Wanted Villains[]

Villains Element
Sheep Creep Villain Icon Sheep Creep Life
Gulper Villain Icon The Gulper Water

Soul Gems[]


  • Turtle Hat
  • Melon Hat
  • Bucket Hat

Story Scroll[]

  • "Meditations on 'Boom'" - Chapter 1



  • The suction eel flavored soda used to defeat the Gulper was originally mentioned in the Kaos' Kastle level in Skylanders: Giants.
  • This is the only level in Trap Team not to include any Villain Quests. It might be because this is a tutorial level.
  • This is the first starting level to not have Elemental Gates comprised exclusively of Starter Pack elements.
    • Soda Springs also has 4 Elemental gates, more than any other level in its game.
  • This is the only level where a Doom Raider villain doesn't have a boss battle.
  • Approaching the Villain Stash area in this level will cause both Master Eon and Buzz to remark upon the vault and urge you to open it, even during repeat playthroughs when the Villain Stash has already been opened.
  • When introducing Traptanium in this level, Buzz has different dialogue depending on whether the player is using a Trap Master or not.
  • Sheep Creep can be skipped through exploits using Enigma or a Swapper/Captured Villain combo or jumping with Crusher and using his Controlled Rockslide ability (Rubble Maker Path required), making him the first unintentionally skippable villain.
Trap Team
Skylands (World) - Skylanders Academy (Hub) - Eternal Archives (3DS Hub)

Main Chapters
Soda Springs - Know-It-All Island - Chompy Mountain - The Phoenix Psanctuary - Chef Zeppelin
Rainfish Riviera - Monster Marsh - Telescope Towers - Mystic Mill - Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink
Wilikin Workshop - Time Town - The Future of Skylands - Operation: Troll Rocket Steal - Skyhighlands
The Golden Desert - Lair of the Golden Queen - The Ultimate Weapon
3DS Chapters
Underhalls - Sacred Town - Rocky Gate - Temple of Waking - Windy Pass - Hot Springs Village
Monastery of Waking - Sunny Harbor - Royal Rooftops - Palace of Waking - Hugo's Nightmare
Sleep Dragon's Lair - Dream Sheep's Dominion - Dream Sheep's Lair
