Skystones Overdrive is an updated version of Skystones Smash played in Skylanders: SuperChargers. The goal is to deplete your opponent's health, which is tracked at the bottom of the board.
Two players create a deck of Skystones to play with. Each player may only have 20 unique Skystones in their decks. At the start of the game, the two players have a set amount of health. Each players' health starts at 30, but, when playing against a computer player or an NPC, the opposing player's starting health is as follows:
Difficulty | Opponent's Starting Health |
Beginner | 20 |
Adventurer | 30 |
Expert | 30 |
Nightmare | 40 |
The board contains three rows and two columns, one for each player. The player that does not move first will have an instant "The Rock" Skystone placed on their middle-row space. Once per turn, a Skystone may be played from the turn player's hand onto one of the three spaces on their side of the board. All Skystones on the board then attack in sequence, starting from the top row down to the bottom row. Opposing Skystones that are in the same row attack each other at once, each dealing damage equal to their attack power to the other's health. If a Skystone's health becomes 0 at any time, that Skystone is destroyed and removed from the board. When a Skystone attacks and there is no opposing Skystone to meet it, that Skystone deals damage equal to its attack power to the opposing player's health. When a player's health becomes 0 at any time, that player loses the game.
Anatomy of a Skystone in Skystones Overdrive
Each Skystone has a set attack power, health, and Element. Skystones deal damage equal to their attack power to the opposing player and other Skystones when they attack. If a Skystone's health ever becomes 0, it is destroyed and removed from the board. If a Skystone's Element matches the Element of the Skylander that is currently on its controlling player's Portal, that Skystone's health is increased by 1 for that game.
Each player has a special Skystone called an Overdrive Skystone that goes by the name, Element, and image of the Vehicle figure that is currently on its controlling player's Portal. Like all other Skystones, it has a set attack power, health, and Element, but it cannot be used until two turns have occurred. When the Vehicle Skystone is played, the turn counter for it resets, and it again cannot be used until two more turns have occurred. When an Overdrive Skystone is ready to be used, it is flipped over for the opponent to see.
Some Skystones have special additional effects when they are placed on the board. These effects range from dealing damage to random enemies to increasing its controlling player's health.
Special Skystones have different borders than common Skystones. Unlike regular Skystones, these Skystones have golden, sparkling borders.
When a Skystone attacks, the Skystone may shout a line said by the character on the Skystone. (For example, the Cali Skystone says "Boom!" when it attacks, and the Kaos Skystone lets loose a long, evil cackle.)
Adding Skystones to your Collection
Skystones can be earned by defeating certain NPCs in Skystones Overdrive games. You can find these NPCs standing next to Skystones Overdrive boards in the Story Chapters.
Some Skystones can be bought from the Shop at the Academy. These same stones can also by earned by using other methods, like making a wish in the Wishing Well or finding them in Treasure Chests.
There are some special Skystones that can only be added to your Collection by putting Traptanium Traps into the Portal. All of these Skystones have golden borders and are based on the trappable Villains from Skylanders: Trap Team. Placing a Trap in the Portal will instantly unlock a Skystone of the Villain inside the Trap. (Beware: Unlocking even a single Villain Skystone in this way will unlock all Villain Skystones for NPCs to use against you. Be prepared for crazy battles if you decide to do this!)
List of Skystones
Base Game Skystones
These Skystones can be added to your collection by buying them with Gold, defeating NPC opponents in Story Chapters, finding them in Treasure Chests, receiving them from the Wishing Well, or by earning them as "Special Items" from winning Races. These Skystones have a normal colored border.
Skystone | Element | Attack Power | Health | Written Text and Effect | Actual Effect | Where Found |
Chompy | Life | 1 | 1 | Summon (Chompy Mage) | ||
Sheep | (none) | 1 | 1 | Summon (Warden Moneybone, Dr. Krankcase, Kaos, Emperor Kaos) | ||
The Rock | (none) | 2 | 2 | Summon (Sharpfin, Thump Truck, Shark Tank) | ||
Fire Spell Punk | Fire | 2 | 2 | Summon (Magic Spell Punk, Splatter Splasher, Soda Skimmer) | ||
Life Spell Punk | Life | 1 | 4 | Summon (Magic Spell Punk, Splatter Splasher, Soda Skimmer) | ||
Hot Steak | Fire | 4 | 10 | Make the board sizzle!
"A hot slice of beef. Free 2 day delivery!" |
All Skystones on the board are moved to random locations. This means that Skystones can be placed under new controlling players. | (TBA) |
Pandergast | Dark | 2 | 1 | Summon a random vehicle into an empty friendly spot.
"Welcome to my mayhem motocross! I'm your host for the event, the suave, the savvy, the only... PANDERGAST!" |
A random Overdrive Skystone is placed an a random empty space on the side of the board that this Skystone was played onto. Any effects that the Overdrive Skystone would have caused if it was normally played from the player's hand are ignored. If there are no empty spaces on the side of the board that Pandergast is played on, no Overdrive Skystone is summoned. | (TBA) |
Flynn | Air | 3 | 2 | Return a random enemy Skystone to its owner.
"Just take one part crackerjack timing, add seventeen parts pure liquid awesome and... BOOM!!" |
If there are any opposing Skystones on the board, one among them is randomly chosen and removed from the board. The Skystone that the opposing player will draw on his or her next turn will be that Skystone. Any effects that would occur from playing that Skystone still occur when that Skystone is played. | (TBA) |
Emperor Kaos | Magic | 2 | 3 | Turns all enemy stones into Sheep (...may backfire).
"Welcome to Skylands... a magical world of wonderful victory and adventures into subjugation." |
All opposing Skystones are removed from the board and are replaced with Sheep Skystones with 1 attack power and 1 health each. However, there is a small chance that this will not occur and that it will happen to only this Emperor Kaos Skystone instead. | (TBA) |
Small Fry | Magic | 2 | 1 | All friendly Skystones gain 1 attack this turn.
"Crash and burn to a lesser degree!" |
If there are any other Skystones on the same side of the board as this Skystone when it is played, they deal 1 more damage this turn when they attack. | (TBA) |
Snagglescale | Water | 2 | 2 | All enemy stones lose -1 attack this turn.
"Fear the bug-eyed cobra and his massive latissimus dorsi musckles." |
For this turn only, all opposing Skystones deal 1 less damage than they usually would. If a Skystone would have 0 attack power in this way, it does not deal any damage this turn. | (TBA) |
Tessa | Life | 2 | 3 | All friendly Skystones gain 1 health.
"Adventure awaits! KA-BLAM!!" |
If there are any other Skystones on the same side of the board as this Skystone when it is played, they each gain 1 health. | (TBA) |
Sharpfin | Tech | 1 | 3 | Spawns The Rock in an empty friendly spot.
"Don't you worry. I got people for that." |
The "The Rock" Skystone is placed on a random empty space on the side of the board that Sharpfin was placed on. If there are no empty spaces on that side of the board, The Rock is not summoned. | (TBA) |
Cali | Fire | 1 | 1 | Destroy all enemy stones.
"I've got this covered." |
All opposing Skystones are destroyed and removed from the board before attacking begins. | (TBA) |
Magic Spell Punk | Magic | 1 | 2 | Summon a random Spell Punk into an empty friendly spot.
"Don't get zapped by reanimated orbs!" |
A random "Spell Punk" Skystone is placed on a random space on the side of the board that this Skystone was played onto. If there are no empty spaces, no Spell Punk is summoned. | (TBA) |
Glumshanks | Magic | 1 | 8 | Your opponent discards their hand and redraws. Skystone gains 1 health for each Magic Skystone drawn.
"Let me help you with that." |
The opposing player discards their hand and draws 3 cards. All Magic Skystones drawn into his or her hand this way cause Glumshanks to gain 1 extra health. | (TBA) |
Malefor | Undead | 3 | 1 | Deal 1 damage to 5 enemies at random.
"Summon every Skylander from the far corners of this world to stand before my might and be broken!" |
Five times, either the opposing player or one of the opposing Skystones (if any) is chosen at random and is dealt 1 damage. During this effect, if at any time a Skystone's health is 0, that Skystone will not be chosen again to take damage, and, if at any time the opposing player's health is 0, the game ends immediately. | (TBA) |
Spin-off | Undead | 3 | 8 | "Careful, you'll get turned around." | No effect. | (TBA) |
The Darkness | Dark | 3 | 3 | Reset the opponent's vehicle gauge.
"All shall fear and obey me." |
If the opponent's Overdrive turn counter gauge is either half-filled or full, the turn counter gauge is reset to its lowest value. The opponent must then refill the gauge as usual to use his or her Overdrive Skystone. | ??? in random Pirate Train missions |
Lord Stratosfear | Air | 5 | 3 | "Attend me, peasant! I'm sweltering." | No effect. | (TBA) |
Cootie Trap | Life | 3 | 6 | "Wait for the flash." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Snot Snatcher | Magic | 3 | 5 | "You're disgusting. I want you to know that." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Pirate Henchman | Water | 4 | 3 | "Yaaar! Thar he grows!" | No effect. | Starter deck |
Shade Rusher | Dark | 5 | 1 | "Fear the encroaching darkness." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Bitning Bug | Light | 3 | 4 | "A shocking swarm of skeeters." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Food Thief | Life | 3 | 4 | "OM NOM NOM NOM!" | No effect. | Starter deck |
T-Bone | Undead | 3 | 1 | Destroy a random enemy Skystone with 2 or less health.
"Wow. Tough room. And you think I'M dead." |
If there are any opposing Skystones on the board that have 2 or less health when this Skystone is played, one among them is randomly chosen, destroyed, and removed from the board. | (TBA) |
Blaster Caster | Undead | 2 | 5 | "You are out of bounds, inmate." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Calliope | Magic | 2 | 6 | "Keep an eye on your powers around this one." | No effect. | (TBA) |
Energy Guardian | Air | 2 | 5 | "Knock, knock. Who's there? DESTRUCTION!!" | No effect. | Starter deck |
Shadow Guardian | Air | 2 | 5 | "Evil in the skies." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Stown Spawner | Air | 2 | 5 | "You have called down the thunder." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Fired-up Frontman | Fire | 3 | 3 | "The act you can't follow." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Toxic Tushie | Earth | 3 | 3 | "It's a butt with a serious bite." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Witch Pitcher | Life | 3 | 3 | "Catch this!" | No effect. | Starter deck |
Sky Eater | Tech | 2 | 4 | "The Doomstation of Ultimate Doom-Struction!" | No effect. | (TBA) |
Hugo | Light | 1 | 4 | Heals owner for 5.
"Sheep are among the most feared creatures in Skylands." |
The owner of this Skystone gains 5 health as this is played. | (TBA) |
Beachcomber | Water | 2 | 3 | Return a random enemy Skystone to its owner.
"This is a total VIP section. And VIP, you are not." |
If there are any opposing Skystones on the board, one among them is randomly chosen and removed from the board. The Skystone that the opposing player will draw on his or her next turn will be that Skystone. Any effects that would occur from playing that Skystone still occur when that Skystone is played. | (TBA) |
Shifty Stickler | Fire | 1 | 8 | "You'll lose by a nose." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Persephone | Magic | 2 | 1 | "Hello extremely! Are you ready for another magical upgrade?" | No effect. | (TBA) |
Pterashark | Earth | 2 | 2 | Destroy a random enemy Skystone.
"Its bite is as bad as it looks." |
If there are any opposing Skystones on the board, one among them is randomly chosen, destroyed, and removed from the board. | (TBA) |
Warden Moneybone | Undead | 2 | 1 | Turn a random enemy Skystone into a sheep.
"Come to the Dimensional Dungeon of Dehabilitation and look at things - from a new perspective." |
If there are any opposing Skystones on the board, one among them is randomly chosen, removed from the board, and replaced with a Sheep Skystone with 1 attack power and 1 health. | Manager Early in Chapter 31 (Cuckoo's Nest, Cap'n Cluck's Chicken HQ) |
Spellslamzer | Light | 1 | 3 | Deal 1 damage to 4 random enemies.
"Get ready to brawl to the wall!" |
Four times, either the opposing player or one of the opposing Skystones (if any) is chosen at random and is dealt 1 damage. During this effect, if at any time a Skystone's health is 0, that Skystone will not be chosen again to take damage, and, if at any time the opposing player's health is 0, the game ends immediately. | (TBA) |
Thunder Tow | Water | 1 | 1 | Heals owner for 10.
"Let's get unreasonable up in here, brah!" |
The owner of this Skystone gains 10 health as this is played. | (TBA) |
Training Dummy | Tech | 0 | 2 | "Takes the hits." | No effect. | (TBA) |
Shadowlin | Magic | 4 | 5 | "Accelerating towards your destruction." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Captain Bristlestache | Water | 4 | 4 | "Shiver me whiskers!" | No effect. | Starter deck |
Blubberbeard | Water | 3 | 5 | "I'll train-haul the lot of ya!" | No effect. | Starter deck |
Bomb Brawl | Dark | 2 | 3 | "A fat lotta bad." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Flitter Glimmer | Light | 2 | 9 | "Such pretty explosions." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Cauldrone | Magic | 2 | 3 | "A simmering pot of sinisterness." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Muck Yuck | Water | 2 | 4 | "A series of sticky situations." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Hammerhead | Earth | 2 | 3 | "Ready to drive the point home." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Blade Skhurt | Air | 2 | 4 | "Mind if I cut in?" | No effect. | Starter deck |
Lift Lofter | Tech | 3 | 5 | "Let me get that for you." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Steam Squirt | Dark | 4 | 2 | "Too hot to handle." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Flea Jumper | Magic | 3 | 4 | "One small bite. Lots of big problems." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Pain Glass | Light | 3 | 4 | "A work of art. That wants to destroy you." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Percussion Pounder | Tech | 4 | 2 | "Playing the soundtrack to your destruction." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Spot Bite | Undead | 3 | 4 | "Just marking its territory." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Meteo-Trollogist | Tech | 3 | 2 | "Calling for a 99 percent chance of PAIN." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Inflatrator | Fire | 2 | 3 | "Chewing up clouds and the competition." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Twilight Twister | Dark | 2 | 3 | "Snared by the darkness." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Pike-Sized Prodder | Life | 3 | 2 | "Tiny cuts are still cuts." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Wheellock | Earth | 1 | 1 | All friendly Skystones gain 2 attack this turn.
"The long-teeth of the law." |
If there are any other Skystones on the same side of the board as this Skystone when it is played, they deal 2 more damage this turn when they attack. | Starter deck |
Rush Crusher | Earth | 2 | 3 | "Bigger than your average Drow. And bear." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Electroclops | Tech | 2 | 4 | "An eye for electrocution." | No effect. | Starter deck |
Trap Team Skystones
These Skystone can be added to your collection by inserting a trap into the Portal of Power with the corresponding villain from Trap Team inside it. Once they have been added to your collection, they may then appear in random opponent decks. These Skystones have a golden colored border.
Skystone | Element | Attack Power | Health | Written Text and Effect | Actual Effect | Where Found |
Chef Pepper Jack | Fire | 2 | 2 | Deal 2 damage to all enemies. "We're servin' pain for dinner... and HURT for dessert!" |
All opposing Skystones and the opposing player take 2 damage all at the same time. If any Skystones have 0 health at this time, they are destroyed and removed from the board before attacking starts. | Fire Trap containing Chef Pepper Jack. |
Kaos | Magic | 2 | 3 | Turns all enemy stones into Sheep (...may backfire). "My head is awesome I tell you! Fear it! FEAR MY GIANT FLOATING HEAD!" |
All opposing Skystones are removed from the board and are replaced with Sheep Skystones with 1 attack power and 1 health each. However, there is a small chance that this will not occur and that it will happen to only this Kaos Skystone instead. | Kaos Trap containing Kaos. |
Dreamcatcher | Air | 2 | 2 | Destroy a random enemy Skystone. "Welcome to your nightmare!" |
Air Trap containing Dreamcatcher. | |
Chompy Mage | Life | 1 | 4 | Summon a chompy in all empty friendly spots. "It is I, the Chompy Mage, and you are still not a Chompy, so I still don't like you!" |
Life Trap containing Chompy Mage. | |
Hood Sickle | Undead | 3 | 5 | "Your time is running out." | No effect. | Undead Trap containing Hood Sickle. |
Kankenstein | Air | 3 | 6 | "Me CRANKY!" | No effect. | Air Trap containing Krankenstein. |
Slobber Trap | Water | 3 | 5 | "Can't teach an old dog new tricks!" | No effect | Water Trap containing Slobber Trap. |
Smoke Scream | Fire | 4 | 4 | "No one ever told him not to play with fire." | No effect. | Fire Trap containing Smoke Scream. |
Wolfgang | Undead | 3 | 5 | "Let's not keep the audience waiting. | No effect. | Undead Trap containing Wolfgang. |
Cuckoo Clocker | Life | 4 | 3 | "Who wants a piece of me?!" | No effect. | Life Trap containing Cuckoo Clocker. |
Shield Shredder | Life | 2 | 7 | "The best defense is a good offense." | No effect. | Life Trap containing Shield Shredder. |
The Gulper | Water | 1 | 3 | Deal damage to 4 random enemies. "Gulper's gonna gulp!" |
Water Trap containing The Gulper. | |
Cross Crow | Water | 3 | 4 | "You can't hunt the hunter!" | No effect. | Water Trap containing Cross Crow. |
Grinnade | Fire | 3 | 4 | "A walking time bomb... literally." | No effect. | Fire Trap containing Grinnade. |
Sheep Creep | Life | 3 | 4 | "He's baaaad news!" | No effect. | Life Trap containing Sheep Creep. |
Buzzer Beak | Air | 2 | 5 | "See what the buzz is all about." | No effect. | Air Trap containing Buzzer Beak. |
Chill Bill | Water | 2 | 5 | "I aim to freeze!" | No effect. | Water Trap containing Chill Bill. |
Bone Chompy | Undead | 3 | 3 | "Even skeleton Chompies gotta eat!" | No effect. | Undead Trap containing Bone Chompy. |
Bad Juju | Air | 2 | 4 | "You awakened the wrong spirits now!" | No effect. | Air Trap containing Bad Juju. |
Pain-Yatta | Magic | 2 | 4 | "Who wants CANNNNNDY?!" | No effect. | Magic Trap containing Pain-Yatta. |
Armored Chompy | Water | 1 | 8 | "Two-hit terrors." | Life Trap containing Chompy. | |
Bomb Shell | Magic | 2 | 3 | "I may be a turtle, but you still won't catch me!" | No effect. | Magic Trap containing Bomb Shell. |
Brawl and Chain | Water | 2 | 3 | "All right, let's do it! Let's hug it out!" | No effect. | Water Trap containing Brawl and Chain. |
Broccoli Guy | Life | 2 | 3 | "Hey, Broccoli Guy's cool with whatever, you know? I'm not picky here." | No effect. | Life Trap containing Broccoli Guy. |
Scrap Shooter | Fire | 2 | 3 | "One creature's trash is another one's treasure." | No effect. | Fire Trap containing Scrap Shooter. |
Rage Mage | Magic | 1 | 5 | "I am all the rage!" | No effect. | Magic Trap containing Rage Mage. |
Masker Mind | Undead | 1 | 4 | "Prepare to be brain-drained!" | No effect. | Undead Trap containing Masker Mind. |
Trolling Thunder | Tech | 2 | 5 | No effect. | Tech Trap containing Trolling Thunder. | |
Brawlrus | Tech | 3 | 4 | No effect. | Tech Trap containing Brawlrus. | |
Bruiser Cruiser | Tech | 2 | 3 | No effect. | Tech Trap containing Bruiser Cruiser. | |
Mab Lobs | Tech | 3 | 5 | No effect. | Tech Trap containing Mab Lobs. | |
shrednaught | Tech | 2 | 3 | No effect. | Tech Trap containing Shrednaught. | |
Dr. Krankcase | Tech | 1 | 2 | Turn a random enemy Skystone into a Sheep. | Tech Trap containing Dr. Krankcase. | |
Chomp Chest | Earth | 2 | 8 | No effect. | Earth Trap containing Chomp Chest. | |
Tussle Sprout | Earth | 2 | 6 | No effect. | Earth Trap containing Tussle Sprout. | |
Grave Clobber | Earth | 3 | 4 | No effect. | Earth Trap containing Grave Clobber. | |
Golden Queen | Earth | 1 | 1 | Heals owner for 10. | Earth Trap containing Golden Queen. | |
Lob Goblin | Light | 3 | 3 | No effect. | Light Trap containing Lob Goblin. | |
Eye Five | Light | 4 | 2 | No effect. | Light Trap containing eye Five. | |
Blaster-Tron | Light | 3 | 2 | No effect. | Light Trap containing Blaster-Tron. | |
Luminous | Light | 4 | 1 | No effect. | Light Trap containing Luminous. | |
Eye Scream | Dark | 3 | 3 | No effect. | Dark Trap containing Eye Scream. | |
Fisticuffs | Dark | 2 | 3 | Return a random enemy Skystone to its owner. | Dark Trap containing Fisticuffs. | |
Nightshade | Dark | 2 | 3 | No effect. | Dark Trap containing Nightshade. | |
Taw Kwon Crow | Dark | 5 | 1 | No effect. | Dark Trap containing Tae Kwon Crow. |
Vehicle Skystones
Only one of these Skystones can be used in addition to your Deck at any one time. The Vehicle Skystone that you use is determined by the Vehicle that you have on the Portal before you start playing Skystones Overdrive. All of these Skystones have gold borders, and they have no flavor text since you cannot see them in the Deck Construction menu. (This list is not complete.)
Skystone | Element | Attack Power | Health | Written Effect | Actual Effect |
Sea Shadow | Dark | 3 | 2 | Discard your hand and redraw. Skystone gains 1 health for each Dark Skystone drawn. | When this Skystone is played, its controller discards his or her hand and draws three new Skystones. For each Dark Skystone that is drawn in this way, the Sea Shadow Skystone gains 1 health. |
Stealth Stinger | Life | 5 | 2 | Heal 5 and Heal all friendly stones to full health. | When this Skystone is played, its controller gains 5 health. In addition, all other Skystones that are on the same side of the board as the Stealth Stinger Skystone have their health reset to their base health values (+1 if a Skystone is the same Element as the Skylander on its controller's Portal). |
Shark Tank | Earth | 1 | 6 | Summon The Rock in all empty friendly spots. | If there are any empty spaces on the side of the board that the Shark Tank Skystone is placed on, a "The Rock" Skystone is placed on each of those spaces. If there are no empty spaces, no The Rocks are summoned. |
Hot Streak | Fire | 4 | 3 | Deal 5 damage to the enemy player. | As this Skystone is played, 5 damage is instantly dealt to the controller's opponent. After this occurs, if the opponent's health is 0, the game ends immediately. |
Crypt Crusher | Undead | 4 | 3 | A random friendly stone gains 4 attack this turn. | If there are any other Skystones on the same side of the board as the Crypt Crusher Skystone as it is played, one among them is chosen at random. That Skystone deals an additional 4 damage when it attacks this turn. |
Gold Rusher | Tech | 4 | 2 | Heal 8 and all friendly stones by 1. | When this Skystone is played, its controller gains 8 health. In addition, all other Skystones that are on the same side of the board as the Gold Rusher Skystone are given 1 health. |
Burn-Cycle | Fire | 5 | 2 | Deal 5 damage to the enemy player. | As this Skystone is played, 5 damage is instantly dealt to the controller's opponent. After this occurs, if the opponent's health is 0, the game ends immediately. |
Sun Runner | Light | 2 | 5 | Discard your hand and redraw. Skystone gains 1 health for each Light Skystone drawn. | When this Skystone is played, its controller discards his or her hand and draws three new Skystones. For each Light Skystone that is drawn in this way, the Sun Runner Skystone gains 1 health. |
Jet Stream | Air | 1 | 1 | Swaps position with the highest attack enemy stone. | When this Skystone is placed on the board, if there are any opposing Skystones on the opposite side of the board, this Skystone and the Skystone with the highest attack power among the opposing Skystones exchange places. This means that the Jet Stream Skystone will be under the opponent's control and that a new Skystone will be under the control of whoever played the Jet Stream Skystone. However, if there are no opposing Skystones to switch places with, the Jet Stream Skystone remains under the control of whoever played it. |
Reef Ripper | Water | 2 | 5 | Players discard their hands and redraw. Gain 1 health for each Water Skystone drawn. | When this Skystone is played, both players discard their hands and draw three new Skystones each. For each Water Skystone that is drawn in this way, the Reef Ripper Skystone gains 1 health. |
Barrel Blaster | Tech | 3 | 4 | Heal 8 and all friendly stones by 1. | When this Skystone is played, its controller gains 8 health. In addition, all other Skystones that are on the same side of the board as the Barrel Blaster Skystone are given 1 health. |
Clown Cruiser | Air | 1 | 1 | Swaps position with the highest attack enemy stone. | When this Skystone is placed on the board, if there are any opposing Skystones on the opposite side of the board, this Skystone and the Skystone with the highest attack power among the opposing Skystones exchange places. This means that the Clown Cruiser Skystone will be under the opponent's control and that a new Skystone will be under the control of whoever played the Clown Cruiser Skystone. However, if there are no opposing Skystones to switch places with, the Clown Cruiser Skystone remains under the control of whoever played it. |
- When you place a Trap containing a Chompy villain into the Portal, it will unlock the Armored Chompy Skystone instead of a regular Chompy Skystone.
- One of the Skystones, the Hot Steak, was made in response to a spelling mistake during the reveal of the Hot Streak.
Games | ||||||