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The Skyhighlands is the fifteenth chapter in Skylanders: Trap Team. This giant purple geode serves as the outpost of a legendary gang of Air Pirates lead by Tae Kwon Crow, who use a magic crystal prism to locate large deposits of gold. Accompanied by Tessa and Whiskers, Cali, Mags, Buzz and Flynn, the Skylanders reach the Skyhighlands using the rocket from the previous chapter and take part in an aerial assault battle for the magic prism the Air Pirates hold.


  • Take out the Sky Pirates
  • Beat Tae Kwon Crow to get the Prism

Element Gates

Areas to Find

  • Landing Platforms (Air)
  • Stolen Property Room
  • Lower Defenses
  • Lower Elevator
  • Digger's Dungeon
  • Middle Defenses (Water)
  • Upper Elevators
  • Greenhouse (Life)
  • The Waterworks (Water)
  • Upper Defenses (Villains)
  • Lost and Found
  • Cutting Platform

New Enemies

Wanted Villains

Villain Element
Tae Kwon Crow Villain Icon Tae Kwon Crow Dark

Legendary Treasures

  • Legendary Geode Key


  • William Tell Hat
  • Radar Hat

Soul Gems

Villain Quests



  • This level contains a few references to Star Fox 64; the first is when piloting the Arkeyan Copter and the second when Tessa calls for assistance, "Can you help get these guys off my back, Skylander?"
    • This is the second and third time a Star Fox 64 reference is made, the first being in the Tower of Time Adventure Pack with a conversation between Flynn and Cluck.
  • Level concepts show that the Skyhighlands were potentially conceived as two different levels: a large arena surrounding the Magic Prism, and a settlement known only as Thief Lair.[1]
  • Each ally NPC flies on a machine/mount from a previous game:
  • The Arkeyan Copter is a callback from Skylanders: Giants, in which the Skylanders flew through the Autogyro Adventure level.
  • Evolved Grinnade can blow up the purple Tzo Crystals throughout this level, revealing large stashes of bonus treasure.
  • Skyhighlands is a unique level in that it is designed vertically, meaning that Skylanders can jump from higher parts of the level to lower platforms.
    • Although the area behind the Water Elemental Gate is protected by an invisible barrier, preventing players from falling into this area, it is possible to land on the purple crystals on the edge of the platform, which causes the Gate's elemental music to play.
    • Falling off the level's highest platform during the final battle may cause its laser hazard to deactivate.
  • The Water Elemental Gate's indoor area plays a uniquely muted remix of its usual elemental music.
  • The Life Gate is the smallest Elemental Area in the game, allowing players to access two pushblocks needed to complete a puzzle outside of the Gate itself.


Trap Team
Skylands (World) - Skylanders Academy (Hub) - Eternal Archives (3DS Hub)

Main Chapters
Soda Springs - Know-It-All Island - Chompy Mountain - The Phoenix Psanctuary - Chef Zeppelin
Rainfish Riviera - Monster Marsh - Telescope Towers - Mystic Mill - Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink
Wilikin Workshop - Time Town - The Future of Skylands - Operation: Troll Rocket Steal - Skyhighlands
The Golden Desert - Lair of the Golden Queen - The Ultimate Weapon
3DS Chapters
Underhalls - Sacred Town - Rocky Gate - Temple of Waking - Windy Pass - Hot Springs Village
Monastery of Waking - Sunny Harbor - Royal Rooftops - Palace of Waking - Hugo's Nightmare
Sleep Dragon's Lair - Dream Sheep's Dominion - Dream Sheep's Lair
