Skylanders Wiki

Seraphina is a young female Wilikin who accompanied the Skylanders on their quest in Skylanders: Giants. She first appears in the Wing Caves area of Wilikin Village, where she introduces the Skylanders to healing and damaging magic bullets. Later, she appears before the Skylanders face the Chompy Mage, and during the battle, when the Skylanders are sorrounded by chompy mage's magic, she provides them with a controller that can invert his spell abilities, allowing them to defeat the wizard.

Later, Seraphina, along with a baby Wilikin child, stowed away on the Dread-Yacht to help their new friends by building a turret to help the crew take down any possible attackers. Though the crew was surprised that she was active on the ship, she revealed that the Wilikin pretend to be inanimate on their village as a joke they like to play.


  • "Hello FRIEND! Do you notice these strange magical energies that flow inside the cave?"
  • "Some are good, some are bad. Blue ones are good!"
  • "Have you heard of the Chompy Mage? He is very bad. He is not invited to Wilikin town but he comes anyway. He summons all the Chompies and when we try to stop him, he shifts into other world. But so can you shift! Maybe you can stop him?"
  • "Maybe I can help you too? Go to his field and I will follow!"
  • "Hey FRIEND! I can help. Use this to switch into the other world! Bad magic will become good magic!"
  • "Kaos? Oh, we know Kaos. He is the MAKER. He lives very close to here but you not get there right away."
  • "Because home has big force field around it. But force field comes from Troll castle."
  • "Thank you, FRIEND!!"
  • "Wanted to come with you new FRIENDS on boat. We like you!"
  • "Haha! That is a joke we like to play. Wilikin always alive in ALL worlds! Now can we show you new surprise?"
  • "See? Now use GUN to defend ship. No more get shot down!"
  • "So nice to be on real adventure with FRIENDS!" when you talk to Seraphina on The Dread-Yacht
  • "HI FRIEND! They tell me you are Skylander! I always want to be Skylander! How do you do it?" when you talk to Seraphina on The Dread-Yacht
  • "Want to be Skylanders like you, FRIEND. We Wilikin once toys too." when you talk to Seraphina on The Dread-Yacht
  • "How do you like new GUN? Wilikin good at making them!" when you talk to Seraphina on The Dread-Yacht
  • "Do you meet Kaos mom? She not like us but we have big SURPRISE for her." when you talk to Seraphina on The Dread-Yacht
  • "Skylands is filled with SECRETS. SECRETS are FUN!" - after you beat the game


Non Playable Characters

Ermit - Brock - Seraphina - Wilikins - Machine Ghost
Octavius - Freebots - Norticus - Gigantus - Rizzopolus
Information - Giant Tiki - Hatterson
