Skylanders Wiki

The Sensei Life Realm is a large hanging garden in Skylanders: Imaginators. It is a territory shared between Twitterpillars and Sheep that has been recently attacked by feuding Rats. With the help of Cat and Pillar, the Skylanders must use Boingo Nuts to defeat the vicious wildlife, and create Sheep cannons to destroy the rats' fortresses.



  • The Sheep cannon and the defending fortresses are similar to the ones used in Sheep Creep's villain quest.
  • Gardening rakes can be found through the level, and unlike their appearance in Skylanders: SuperChargers, can be used to stun enemies as well as the Skylander.
Skylands (World) - Skylanders Academy (Hub) - M.A.P. (Overworld Hub)

Main Chapters
Cradle of Creation - Mushroom River - Scholarville - Shellmont Shores - Sky Fortress - Fizzland
The Golden Arcade - Dragon Temple - Abandoned Amusement Park - The Lair of Kaos
Sensei Elemental Realms
Air - Dark - Earth - Fire - Life - Light - Magic - Tech - Undead - Water
Additional Levels
Battle Arena - Rat Kingdom - The Battleship - Calamity City/Trouble Town
Mausoleum of Madness/Danger Dungeon - Battlefield Blitz/Operation: More War
