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Skylanders Wiki

The Rat Kingdom is a secret level found in Skylanders: Imaginators. It can be reached by chasing one of the rats on the M.A.P. until it digs a hole, and then jumping down it. Once that rat is found, it will always be that rat. The level is available as early as the Sky Fortress and does not need unlocking. Unlike other levels in the series, it has a more open design to it, allowing players to play it however they like and repeat it for more gold.

Softpaw says that the rats are hiding a treasure somewhere in their city, and asks the Skylander to find it. There are various ways to obtain keys and find locations with gold, as well as an exclusive Imaginite set.


  • Unlike other levels in the series, the player can exit the level by talking to Softpaw at anytime as there is no specific "end" to the level.
    • If the player goes to Softpaw without having found the treasure, he will suggest that the rats may have just made the whole thing up.
  • The level acts as a base for several missions and challenges set in Danger Dungeon and the Mausoleum of Madness.
Skylands (World) - Skylanders Academy (Hub) - M.A.P. (Overworld Hub)

Main Chapters
Cradle of Creation - Mushroom River - Scholarville - Shellmont Shores - Sky Fortress - Fizzland
The Golden Arcade - Dragon Temple - Abandoned Amusement Park - The Lair of Kaos
Sensei Elemental Realms
Air - Dark - Earth - Fire - Life - Light - Magic - Tech - Undead - Water
Additional Levels
Battle Arena - Rat Kingdom - The Battleship - Calamity City/Trouble Town
Mausoleum of Madness/Danger Dungeon - Battlefield Blitz/Operation: More War
