Skylanders Wiki

“I knew one day help would come - and here you are! Quickly, follow me!”

Norticus is a Mabu inhabitant who lived 10,000 years ago in Skylanders: Giants. Despite having a similar name and voice to the Mabu, Nort, Norticus isn't the ancestor of him, but the ancestor of a totally different Nort.[2]

Norticus was notable for helping the Giants free his fellow Mabu from the watch of the Arkeyan Conquertron after they saved him from the Bone Chompies.


  • "Ah! Stay back you... things. I-I-I'm warning you!" - when Norticus is surrounded by Bone Chompies
  • "Listen everyone! The Skylanders are here! They're going to free us so we can get home!"
  • "I know a secret way into the tunnels, but we need you to take care of the guards."
  • "Hmmm. I'd have to be a GIANT to move those rocks."
  • "Hey! Up here, Skylander! Just use those bounce pads. Come on!"
  • "We've got to hurry. Please. Before we're seen."
  • "All right, Skylander, THAT'S the Arkeyan Conquertron guarding the mine. He's the one keeping us all here. And believe me he's tough."
  • "See --But if you could just break those chains that are holding him up. KA-BLAMMO! We'll be home free!"
  • "Yes - thank you. You have given us hope. Perhaps now, with the help of the Skylanders, we can finally bring down the Arkeyans so ALL of Skylands can be free!"



  • Norticus's name is a reference to one of the nickname for senior gameplay character designer Nat Loh.[3]


  1. Neil Kaplan's Twitter. (Date Posted - Sep. 2, 2017). Twitter - archived.
  2. Skylanders: Giants Strategy Guide, page 135
  3. Skylanders: Giants 10th Anniversary Celebration. (Date Posted - Oct 21, 2022) YouTube.
Non Playable Characters

Ermit - Brock - Seraphina - Wilikins - Machine Ghost
Octavius - Freebots - Norticus - Gigantus - Rizzopolus
Information - Giant Tiki - Hatterson
