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Mesmeralda's Show is a boss level in Skylanders: Swap Force. Ascending to the peak of the Frostfest Mountains, the Skylanders confront the evil puppeteer, Mesmeralda, in order to save the Ancient Frosthound.


Mesmeralda's Show takes place on a wooden stage above the Frostfest Mountains, bordered by towering ribs bound with white thread. The level takes place at night, and the sky is a stormy blue-gray, edged with the icy peaks of distant mountains. Snowflakes drift across the stage and sinister pink smoke boils from beneath Mesmeralda's stage.

Swap Force
Cloudbreak Islands (World) - Woodburrow (Hub) - Skylands (3DS World) - Boom Town (3DS Hub)

Main Chapters
Mount Cloudbreak - Cascade Glade - Mudwater Hollow - Rampant Ruins - Jungle Rumble - Iron Jaw Gulch
Motleyville - Twisty Tunnels - Serpent's Peak - Boney Islands - Winter Keep - Frostfest Mountains
Mesmeralda's Show - Fantasm Forest - Kaos' Fortress - Motherly Mayhem - Cloudbreak Core
3DS Chapters
Sky Docks - Spooky Woods - Toadstool Terrace - Fountain Springs - The Fuel Machine
Shimmer Shard Shire - Crystal Caverns - Twilight Fortress - Above the Sea - Robot Factory
Robot Assembly Center - Samurai Springs - Bonsai Bay - Fire Flow Valley - The Party Town
Down the River - The Haunted Villa - Clockwork Castle - Clockwork Arena
