This article is about the location in the main canon. You may be looking for its Skylanders Academy counterpart. |
The Lost City of Arkus is an ancient subterranean city of the Arkeyans, a remnant from their rule over Skylands 10,000 years prior to the events of Skylanders: Giants. The Skylanders make their way to the center of Arkus, seeking to stop Kaos conquering Skylands with an Arkeyan army.
Lost City of Arkus is an enormous underground Arkeyan capital filled with blue and glowing orange architecture. Many traps line the level's passageways, while rivers of quicksilver form brilliant waterfalls in the background. The air is permeated by a pale bluish glow and white mist flows toward the level's bottom.
- Enter the Palace
Elemental Gates
Areas to Find
- The Beginning of the End (Magic)
- Elliptical Arena
- Water Cliff Terrace (Water)
- Hidden Side Entrance
- Azure Slide
- Hazard Path (Earth)
- Fractured Ledge
- A Pit With Possibilities
- Pit Puzzler
- Hazard Bridge (Tech)
- Turquoise Tomb (Magic)
- Inside the Tomb
- Caution: Rolling Hazards Ahead! (Earth)
- Hidden Ledge
- Cannon Fodder (Fire)
- Fire Battle
- Batterson's Stovetop
- Hazard Depository
- Upper Arena (Water)
- Downhill Challenge
- Gate Crasher Battle
- Treasure Cave
- Reflection Locking Mechanism
New Enemies
Legendary Treasure
- Skull Engine
- Funnel Hat
- Atom Hat
Soul Gem
- Chill - Call the Narwhal!
Story Scrolls
The Store
- Napoleon Hat - 1,000 gold
- Wabbit Ears - 1,200 gold
- Arkeyan Sniper Skystone - 250 gold
- Invincibility Power Up - 425 gold
- Fairy Dust - 50 gold
- Skystone Cheat - 500 gold
- Arkeyans had a idiosyncrasy where they have trouble remembering anything that is below them. Above and to the side, no problem, but below... forget about it. Being deep underground, the City of Arkus posed a particular problem. The Arkeyans tried to rectify this by moving their city high up, but the plans were placed in the basement of the City Hall of Arkus, so they got lost.[1]
- Lost City of Arkus does not contain any Feats of Strength.
- The level's main theme was originally longer, as demonstrated by the alpha soundtrack.[2]
- In one point in game development, the Lost of City of Arkus was referred to as Arkus Adventure.
- In Giants's alpha, the Lost City of Arkus was notably different from its finalized counterpart.
- In the alpha, the player's starting location was different, beginning on an elaborate platform rather than atop a cliff.[3]
- The earliest alpha included no music.
- Many of the alpha's assets - including walls, floors, water, barrels, bridges, railings, and platforms - are differently colored, pattered, or textured than those in the final game.
- Red-and-yellow blocks from Arkeyan Armory originally spawned the level's rolling barrel hazards. These blocks could be destroyed by Skylanders' attacks, stemming the flow of barrels.[4]
- The alpha lacks an entrance to the level's Water Gate, and a bridge blocks Skylanders from entering the area. Players could initially fall off the island from the waterfall nearby. [5]
- All of the alpha's enemies (with the exception of Timidclopses) are missing, along with most of the level's collectibles and destructibles.
- Moving buzzsaws originally appeared throughout the level as hazards, but they could be removed by the use of bombs. Grounded bladesaws also appeared in the middle of the level. In contrast, some of the level's oversized barrel hazards were missing.[6]
- Auric originally appeared in place of Freebot.[7]
- The Pit Puzzler area was arranged differently in the alpha, requiring the player to bypass both of the bombable walls on the upper level in order to drop down to the gate's key. A third floor level also appeared above the bottom two, offering a slow-moving platform and a bounce pad as a shortcut alternative to the lower walled route.[8]
- In the alpha, A Pit with Possibilities is in a disproportionately primitive state of texturing, bearing green floors and ramps in stark contrast to the more polished rest of the level. Instead of collecting a Luck-O-Tron Wheel in this area, the player could use a concealed bounce pad to reach a floating pizza.[9]
- The Magic Gate originally lacked an entrance, and was instead marked by a pushblock that the player could shove into the recess of the cave entrance. However, the elemental area itself was completely missing.[10]
- The alpha's giant stone Chop Chop statues are missing.
- The Fire Gate's entrance was originally absent as well, replaced by an invisible barrier. As such, the alpha's Fire elemental area can only be accessed through game manipulation. Giant spinning pies originally appeared as a placeholder for the area's collectibles, and a few of its pushblocks are bugged to reset to their starting positions immediately after being pushed. The last cannon in the area does not need to be fired in order to destroy the area's central block tower. Although the entrance to the ambush arena is inactive, the arena can still be accessed via game manipulation, though its enemies will not appear. Curiously, this scenario allows the player to see that the arena rests beneath the other lava lakes, forming the area's lowest caldera.[11]
- A stone ramp containing a bounce pad originally appeared in the Upper Arena, allowing the player to leap the ledge where the Trogmanders perch in the final game.[12]
- A Mega Bomb originally served as placeholder for the level's Roboto-Balls. The bomb's explosive symbol would flash red and blue while rolling, indicating its volatile nature.[13]
- A seadog Skystones challenger originally appeared at the base of Treasure Cave. Entering the cave itself led to another area textured like the Pit With Possibilities.[14]
- The stairs near the end of the level are difficult to traverse in the alpha, as their irregular collision tends to prevent the player from advancing. Aligning the light beams in the final area do not have any visible effect on the gate that blocks off the entrance to the Lost City of Arkus in the alpha. [15]
- ↑ Skylanders: Giants Prima Strategy Guide, Burning Questions!, page 217
- ↑ (UNUSED) Lost City of Arkus - Placeholder Theme.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
- ↑ Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.