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Kaos' Kastle is the ninth chapter in Skylanders: Giants. It is also Kaos' birthplace, serving as his home base before he went on his mission to conquer Skylands. Wilikin servants are littered throughout the castle, still serving their master despite his resentful disposition.


Kaos's Kastle is the dark blue-gray fortress of Kaos, complete with a well-tended grounds and secret underground passageways. Despite its majestic exterior, the interior of the level appears rather grimy; its secret passages are unadorned and dusty, whereas its interior hallways are littered with slime, cobwebs, and pooling mist. A somber blue color pervades the level's sky, complete with a small pink tinge and billowing dark clouds.


  • Enter the castle
  • Remove the arena door locks
  • Defeat arena master

Elemental Gates

Areas To Find

  • Cliffside Castle Approach
  • The Raven Court (Life)
  • The Pool
  • Shackled Island
  • Game of Chance
  • Secret Passage (Undead)
  • Pushblock Challenge
  • Forgotten Sepulcher
  • Mechanized Whirlygig (Tech)
  • Cliffside Terrace (Life)
  • The Ethereal Ballroom (Magic)
  • Castle Green (Life)
  • Secret Passage: Balcony
  • The Great Hall (Tech)
  • The Sewing Room
  • Needlepoint Nook
  • The Man Cave
  • East Gallery
  • Adept's Alcove (Magic)
  • Auric's Overhang (Tech)
  • Sodaworks (Magic)
  • The Aviary
  • The Windswept Tower
  • The Theater

New Enemies

Legendary Treasure

  • Dragon Engine

Soul Gem


  • Princess Hat
  • Graduation Hat

The Store

  • Mushroom Grove Battle Mode Arena - 2,000 gold
  • Dancer Hat - 900 gold
  • Shadow Duke Skystone - 500 gold
  • Regeneration Power Up - 275 gold
  • Skystone Cheat - 275 gold
  • Fairy Dust - 50 gold



  • Kaos' Kastle's placeholder name was Enter Arkus, despite not being an Arkeyan-themed level.
  • In the earliest alpha version of Giants, Kaos' Kastle was very different from its finalized counterpart.
    • The level originally had a sunny blue sky and yellow grass, granting it a much lighter atmosphere.
    • The castle's walls were originally made of plain gray stone, with gray-and-white stained glass windows. Many of the castle's later decorations, such as breakables and banners, are missing in the alpha build, and the alpha's checkered floor patterns and shrubs were completely revamped for the final game.[1]
    • The alpha has visible gaps in its level geometry, unlike many other alpha levels in Giants. It also lacks the mechanics necessary to complete the level normally, omits the final arena battle, and is missing collision in certain areas, suggesting that Kaos' Kastle may have been created late in the development process.
    • The Spyro-shaped inner tube at the end of the pool area was originally replaced by a large crown, which also served as placeholder for various collectibles throughout the level. In a similar manner, purple-jeweled coins appeared throughout the catacombs in place of bones or treasure.[2]
    • The first underground catacombs section was modeled off the architecture of Cadaverous Crypt, a resemblance that lingers in the final game. In the alpha, however, the similarity was even more prominent, as the crypt's rocky walls were copied directly from Spyro's Adventure without the alteration of the sconces into candles or the concealing addition of water.[3]
    • The Giants' pit in the catacombs was originally modeled with three short tunnel entrances, rather than the singular archway present in the final game. Each tunnel was blocked by a destructible rock wall and filled with either a crown or a purple-jeweled coin.[4]
    • The level's Magic gate originally featured gemlike switches. When activated, they raised the gate's levitating puzzle blocks and triggered a timer, which visibly and audibly ticked down from six seconds. At the end of this countdown, the blocks fell again.[5]
    • The Ethereal Ballroom was originally called "The Conservatory." Like the rest of the castle interior, this area is primitively modeled and textured in the alpha build, implying that Kaos' Kastle was not finalized until late in development.[6]
    • Unusually, Auric appears in two places in the alpha level, both outside and inside the castle.
    • Two different seadog NPCs, one of whom was Fangs, originally replaced the Wilikin as Skystones challengers.[7]
    • In the earliest alpha build of Kaos' Kastle, the teleporter leading to the final arena is broken, preventing the level from concluding naturally. A zoom-out of the level reveals a crude, circular arena space similar to the arena in Molekin Mountain.[8]
  • After the destruction of Kaos's floating fortress in Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, Kaos' Kastle is the lair to which Kaos returns, as this was his childhood home. However, Kaos' Kastle is never seen in the main games after Giants, as Kaos repeatedly resides in new lairs despite his castle never being destroyed. This leads to further confusion in Skylanders: Imaginators, where Kaos inexplicably has to hide in a decrepit swamp lair between the events of Skylanders: SuperChargers, Skylanders: Ring of Heroes and Imaginators.
  • A few portraits of Kaos and Glumshanks decorate the walls of the Ethereal Ballroom. According to the developers, the pictures of Kaos and Glumshanks wearing afros were made a long time ago when Kaos attended his school's Senior Prom. Of course, being Kaos, he was unable to get an actual date for the evening, so he ordered his butler, Glumshanks, to go with him. It was actually a magical evening... for the both of them.[9]
  • Kaos's family apparently used to make soda, according to one Wilikin, but due to their use of unconventional flavors (and in some cases, radioactive ingredients), the soda did not sell well. Its remains have been stashed in barrels and piled around a certain area of the castle.
  • One of the Wilikin mentions that Kaos sends Wilikin to the Sewing Room whenever they do something wrong, presumably to be chopped up.
  • The Legendary Treasure found here, the Dragon Engine, is notable as being the only Legendary Treasure that actually changes gameplay, as it unlocks Hatterson's shop while equipped.
  • According to Ermit, the castle used to house the entire Kaos Clan during their reign of terror ages ago, but their disappearance with the exception of him and Kaossandra is unexplained.
  • One of the Wilikin mentions that Kaos had his castle pool drained because too many Troll guards fell in and couldn't swim, implying that a number of his minions have drowned on his property.


  1. Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
  2. Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
  3. Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
  4. Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
  5. Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
  6. Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
  7. Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
  8. Skylanders Giants Alpha Build 1: Full Playthrough. (Date Posted: Jan. 28, 2024). YouTube.
  9. Skylanders: Giants Official Strategy Guide: Questions & Answers, page 181
Skylands (World) - Cap'n Flynn's Ship (Hub)

Main Chapters
Time of the Giants - Junkyard Isles - Rumbletown - Cutthroat Carnival - Glacier Gully - Secret Vault of Secrets
Wilikin Village - Troll Home Security - Kaos' Kastle - Aerial Attack! - Drill-X's Big Rig - Molekin Mountain
The Oracle - Autogyro Adventure - Lost City of Arkus - Bringing Order to Kaos!
3DS Chapters
Daring Rescue - Head Hunting - Lost and Found - Through the Ruins - Tiki Tumble - Sand Trap - The Tar Pits
The Windy Dunes - A Walk in the Park - Westernland - Tunnel of Love - Murky Waters - Stuck in the Mud
Overgrowth - Marsh Madness - Cannon Fodder - Ships Ahoy - Phantom Tide Rising - Saving Skylands
