Skylanders Wiki

“Name's Prong. James Prong.”
    —James Prong

James Prong is a Gillman who appears in The Rift to Skylands in Skylanders: SuperChargers. Originally a prisoner aboard Count Moneybone's transport ship, James Prong managed to escape and devised a plan to slow the ship down by clogging its fuel pump. However, he hesitated to carry out the plan himself, unwilling to swim in the orange water surrounding the fuel pump and risk dirtying his suit.

James initiates the level's Sea Vehicle mission, enlisting the help of the Skylanders to destroy the Catalytic Cyclotron and escape through an outtake valve.


  • "You manage to escape too, eh Skylander? Name's Prong. James Prong. I was going to try to slow the ship down by clogging up that fuel pump, but I'm having second thoughts about swimming in orange liquid. You understand, right? Tell you what, I'll stand by to advise while you disable the pump. And try not to splash me. Sound good?"
  • "You'll need to use a Sea Vehicle to take on this mission, Skylander!"
  • "Great work, Skylander! I knew you were the right one for this mission. You should probably get out of here before they send guards to investigate. Dive into that center outtake valve to escape."


  • His name, spy status and the manner in which he introduces himself ("Prong, James Prong") is a play on the character James Bond from the James Bond film series.
  • He is the only Gillman encountered in Superchargers.

Non Playable Characters
Fender, Socket & Clyde - James Prong - Grizzo - Pandergast - Cloudbreather Dragon
Queen Cumulus - Pomfrey - Collector - Mayor Mcfeety - Twitterpillars - Pluck - Watch Wraiths