Gurglefin is a green Gillman who first appeared in Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. After being rescued from a Lockmaster Imp by the Skylanders, Gurglefin takes them to Oilspill Island in order to free his people from the Trolls. Afterwards, he uses his ship to transport the Skylanders to Dark Water Cove and Leviathan Lagoon in order to find pieces of the Core of Light.
Gurlgefin usually isn't eager to go to areas that are infested with danger, but in spite of that, he is willing to help the Skylanders on their quest to save Skylands, even if the Gillman complains at any opportunity he gets. He is also offended by fish puns, as he seems to have taken a dislike towards Hugo after the Mabu made a fish pun about the captive Gillmen on Oilspill Island.
Skylanders: Terrafin Battles the Boom Brothers
Gurglefin was one of the many visitors of the traveling Fantastic Fairy Fair until he became a victim of the Sweet-O-Tron 3000's sticky candyfloss. He was eventually freed by the Skylanders, Terrafin, Hot Dog, and Sonic Boom, and later accompanied them through their stay at the fair.
Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
Gurglefin first appeared on the docks of the Ruins, having been locked up behind bars by a Lockmaster Imp after fleeing from his home, Oilspill Island, to look for the Skylanders for help. Gurglefin was soon freed, and took the Skylanders to his home island where the Trolls took over the island and imprisoned the Gillmen living there.
After the Skylanders saved Oilspill Island, Gurglefin built an Oil Donkey (he didn't name it) at the Ruins' docks on behalf his people to provide oil, which was soon needed for the Far Viewer. After that, the Oil Donkey can also be used to oil the Clam-tron 4000, a gate robot, and the train. In Dark Water Cove, Gurglefin wore a large tricorn pirate hat and followed the Skylander, assisting them in reclaiming the Twin Spouts of Ocea Major-Minor and helmed the frigate used to escape. Gurglefin also accompanied the Skylander to Leviathan Lagoon to help locate the shrine statues that would reveal the Eternal Water Source. He appeared later at the party being held at the end of the game.
Skylanders: Giants
Gurglefin reappeared in Skylanders: Giants in the Troll Home Security water elemental area, where the Skylander can play Skystones with him. If beaten him, he reveals the Legendary Treasure. He was later captured by the Ghost Pirates of the Spectral Dreadnaught and imprisoned below deck.
Return of the Dragon King
Gurglefin, Flynn, and Cali were en route to the Wilikin Village to deliver toys by ship. When they were ambushed by Captain Frightbeard and his Cyclops crew, the Skylanders hidden onboard defeated them, but not before noticing that Spyro was having trouble with his powers.
Other appearances
Skylanders: Lost Islands
Gurglefin is an unlockable companion in Skylanders: Lost Islands, and can be purchased with 400 Kudos. Upon being unlocked, he makes it possible to get Wish Stones as gifts from friends.
When Hugo unintentionally made a fish pun regarding the captive Gillmen on Oilspill Island, Gurglefin has taken a dislike towards the Mabu. Afterwards, Gurglefin has since called Hugo by the name of 'Molebutt'.
- "Carp! We've been spotted by their artillery!" - as soon as Gurglefin and the Skylander arrive in Dark Water Cove, only for their ship to be blasted by pirates.
- "Hey Skylander! Wanna play me at Skystones? It sure beats 'Go Fish', I'll tell ya that!"
- "Aw come on! You're not scared of a little fish, are you?" - when you say 'no' to Gurglefin
- "Clamtastic! Here we go!" - when you say 'yes' to Gurglefin
- "Ha! Pulled the ol' bait 'n' switch on you there!" - when Gurglefin beats you at Skystones
- "Hey, you sure you didn't cheat? Dare I say that something's fishy here?" - when you beat Gurglefin at Skystones
- "Oh you're here! Those sky pirates has me locked up in this place! I guess it's a gateway to some mystical lagoon. There's s'pose to be a hat in there too but that is none of my business." - Gurglefin in front of a Water Elemental Gate
- Gurglefin offhandedly mentions he's hypochondriac if talked to at certain points in Spyro's Adventure.
- When spoken to after clearing Crystal Eye Castle, Gurglefin also admits that he doesn't like being in water, and he finds being on land much more safe.
- In the entire game of Spyro's Adventure, Gurglefin has only referred to Hugo by his actual name once; when you talk to Gurglefin after tasked with using the Oil Can on the Far Viewer.
- He and the Gillmen on Oilspill Island differ from ever other character in Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure in that every time they are hit, their pain screams will be at a random pitch. This can result in a humorously extremely high pitched scream, or a similarly humorous extremely low pitched scream.