Skylanders Wiki

Gallant is one of the residential ghosts of Darklight Crypt who enjoys the pies made by the Molekin, Batterson. He is notable for helping the Skylander defeat the evil Occulous.


Gallant, along with the other residents of the Undead, were forced to do terrible things to the Living when Occulous arrived and outlawed pies from the village. When Gallant first saw the Skylander, he thought they were a pie salesman, but then noticed that they weren't before explaining about Occulous's true nature and rule over the Darklight Crypt.

Gallant later assisted the Skylanders in their fight against Occulous, and once the eyeball monster has been defeated, Gallant eagerly went to the entrance of the Crypt with the Skylander to celebrate the return of pies, along with the other Undead residents.


  • ”Hey! Are you a pie salesman? Oh please tell me you are!”
  • ”No, I guess not. That evil eyeball came and outlawed all pies in this town. Just about the worst thing a person, er part of a person, could do.”
  • ”His name is Occulous and he showed up a little while ago. He doesn’t approve of pies. He also wants us to do terrible things to the Living. But none of us really want that. We just want to eat pie. Is that so wrong?”
  • ”Hey! I have an idea. Maybe you can help us kick Occulous out of this town for good?”
  • ”It won’t be easy though. You’ll have to make your way through some kind of crazy maze to get to his lair.”
  • ”I’ve heard there is a way to defeat Occulous but you have to be in the real world to do it. And since ghosts like me only live in the Ghost World, we’ll need you to do the honors.”
  • ”There is a cannon in the real world. It’s just the thing to shoot right in his giant eyeball.”
  • ”Use that Activator, and it will pull you and Occulous into the real world, then just fire that cannon right into his eye!”
  • ”He shifted back! Get back into Ghost World and use the Activator again!”
  • ”You did it! Occulous’ reign of terror is over! It’s now time for the reign of pies!!!”
  • ”Come back to me when you’re ready to go hit up the bakery. But hurry. I’m starving!”
  • ”Are you ready to go back to the bakery? I hope so. I already know which pie I’m gonna order.”
Non Playable Characters
Adventure Pack Characters
Jess LeGrand - Ship Master - Mayor LeGrand - Batterson - Gallant - Haldor - Flavius - Ramses
Time Keepers - Blind Beard - Moonbeam - Aku Aku - Tribesmen - Grandmaster Cami Flage - Bob