Skylanders Wiki

Flam Bam is a red dragon in Skylanders: Trap Team who resides in the Secret Sewers of Supreme Stink. He first appeared in a hatch near the beginning of the level offering Chomp Chest's villain quest, where he asks Chomp Chest to participate in a hot dog eating contest. He later appears inside the sewers wanting to play a game of Skystones Smash to see if he remembered being the Skystone Smash champion or not.


  • ”Hey! Are you the Skylands Hot Dog Eating Champion? Wait a minute, what am I saying? Of course you’re not! Aw man, what was I thinking? The guy I’m looking for is Chomp Chest. He’s won every hot dog eating contest that ever existed. And maybe even a few that haven’t! So if you happen to see him, have him come by. I just heard about another contest and this one is TOUGH!”
  • ”Chomp Chest, my man! Did you hear about the latest hot dog eating contest? They say it’s so tought, not even YOU can beat it. I don’t even know who ‘they’ are but trust me, they say it.”
  • ”Check it out, this contest is actually a little different here. You have to find and eat each hot dog one at a time and you have to do this very, very quickly. Eat any hamburgers you find too, if you want extra time or are still just kind of hungry. Bon appetit!”
  • ”HOT DOG!”
  • ”HOT DOG YUM!”
  • ”Hot diggity dog!”
  • ”Hamburger time bonus!”
  • ”You won! Aw Chomp Chest, you are the MAN! Er, I mean, CHEST. Let’s get back to the sewer and talk reward!”
  • ”All right, so I know eating all those hot dogs was probably reward enough but I’ve got a little something extra for you for - WHAAAT???”
  • ”Did I ever tell you that I was the Skystones Smash champion? Or did you tell me you were? I honestly can’t remember so let’s just play and see if that jogs my memory.”
  • ”Awesome! Now I just hope I was the Skystones Smash champion because that would be sweet.” - when saying ‘yes’ to Flam Bam
  • ”Well I’m guessing that means you weren’t the champ, huh?” - when saying ‘no’ to Flam Bam
  • ”Yep, yep, it’s all coming back to me now. I’m pretty good at this game. Being around all this goo just makes me forget thing sometimes. ” - when losing against Flam Bam
  • ”Niiice. So either you were the one who was really good at this game or I was - but you’re just like, super “really good” ” - when winning against Flam Bam


  • His name is similar to the Skylander, Slam Bam.
  • Flam Bam bears a resemblance to Flavius, a red dragon knight from Dragon's Peak.
  • The goo in the Sewers appears to affect him, since he mentions having constant memory problems while being there.
  • For a Make-A-Wish event, a toy figure of Flam Bam was spotted. Whether he was originally planned to be a Skylander of the Fire element or was made for the Make-A-Wish event is currently unknown.[1]


Non Playable Characters
Trap Team

Buzz - Da Pinchy - Flam Bam - Mags - Verl - Headwick - Crossbones
Zeta Blobbers - Nort-Tron - Snuckles X9 - Blocker Birds - Q.U.I.G.L.E.Y.
Wiggleworth - Warrior Librarians of the Eternal Archives - Sleep Dragon
