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Fizzland is the sixth chapter in Skylanders: Imaginators. It is a potion factory, where all of Pop Fizz's concoctions are made (and where a farmer's market is held every Sunday, which he does not recommend). It is under attack by Kaos and his minions as he searches for Pop Fizz's Beast Mode potion, hoping to make his Doomlanders more powerful and beastly.

Fizzland contains Fizz World potions, which will allow you to change from the Real World to the Fizz World. It is also filled with blob creatures, called globules, that are a necessary ingredient in potions.


  • Stop Kaos!
  • Sort the Globules

Areas to Find

  • Front Access to the Fizz Lab
  • The Codd Memorial
  • Fuzzy Forest Pass
  • Carbonation Chamber
  • Mixing Lab
  • Bubble Farm
  • Carbonation Crossing
  • Fizz Enhancement Testing Area
  • Tasting Room
  • Syrup Sorting Section
  • Gauntlet of Danger
  • Fizzland Front Entrance

New Enemies

Legendary Treasure

  • Legendary Ninja Selfie Frame

Soul Gems


  • This is the third level in the entire series which involves switching worlds (the first being the Darklight Crypt and the second being the Wilikin Village).
  • This is one of the four Levels that have only one Sensei Shrine (the others being Cradle of Creation, Mushroom River, and The Golden Arcade).
  • According to a level designer, Fizzland had a troubled development history. It was originally pitched as a "Return to Darklight Crypt" level based on switching between life and death, but eventually became based around candy vs food. However, many people didn't understand the concept of the level, so it was simplified to explore the mythology of Pop Fizz's potions instead.[1]
  • The Codd Memorial area is a tribute to Hirim Codd, the inventor of the Codd Bottleneck, which allowed for the mass production and storage of carbonated drinks.[1]


Skylands (World) - Skylanders Academy (Hub) - M.A.P. (Overworld Hub)

Main Chapters
Cradle of Creation - Mushroom River - Scholarville - Shellmont Shores - Sky Fortress - Fizzland
The Golden Arcade - Dragon Temple - Abandoned Amusement Park - The Lair of Kaos
Sensei Elemental Realms
Air - Dark - Earth - Fire - Life - Light - Magic - Tech - Undead - Water
Additional Levels
Battle Arena - Rat Kingdom - The Battleship - Calamity City/Trouble Town
Mausoleum of Madness/Danger Dungeon - Battlefield Blitz/Operation: More War
