Extending Shield Trolls are Trolls that carry poking sticks, and wooden shields that protect them from the front.
Troll Greasemonkeys - Blaster Trolls - Mark 31 Troll Tanks - Troll GrenadiersGun Snouts - Trollverines - Troll Super Tank 3DS Troll Dogs Giants Mace Majors - Grenade Generals - D. Riveters - Troll Stomper M5s Swap Force Cadet Crushers - Boom Bosses - Loose Cannons - Missile Maulers Trap Team Troll Warriors - Eggsecutioners - Extending Shield Trolls - Troll Welders - Trolling ThundersLob Goblins - Chill Bills - Bruiser Cruisers - Shrednaughts - Smoke Screams - Metal Mage SuperChargers Inflatrators - Meteo-Trollogists - Ratty Riflemen - Shifty Sticklers Imaginators Troll Poachers - Cannon Crashers