Skylanders Wiki

Drill-X is a giant drilling machine in Skylanders: Giants. Kaos stole him for his plan to tunnel his way to the Lost City of Arkus. Drill-X is found in his oil rig where, under orders of Kaos, begins drilling his way to the lost Arkeyan city.


Drill-X sings to express himself[2], much to the ire of his Molekin workers. While working under Kaos, he would secretly take away some of that treasure he finds for the evil Portal Master for himself.

Boss Fight[]

There are different phases in the battle, and in between each phase, Drill-X starts singing. First, he drills the ground, attacking with rocks. In the second phase he sweeps his drill, and on the third he smashes his drill, leaving waves of fire. He summons lasers throughout the fight.

Drill-X's Song[]

First Verse[]

It's the end of the track, Skylander!
This drill-bot is on the scene!
I'll knock you forward and back
with a robo attack
'cause you're messing with the wrong machine!

Second Verse[]

You don't stand a chance, Skylander!
Even though you won that round...
'Cause my power won't drop
And my driller won't stop
'til the City of Arkus is found!

Third Verse[]

Hold on, time out, Skylander!
There's something up with my drill.
But you better watch out,
You'll be down for the count
When I show you my smashing skills!

Fourth Verse[]

What did you do, Skylander?!
You've just won the final round!
I can't keep the beat
I'm feeling defeat,
And my systems are all shutting down...

See also[]


  • The name "Drill-X" may be a reference to the dubstep musician Skrillex.
  • Drill-X

    Comparison of versions, you can see the glitch in the Wii version.

    His battle method resembles that of The Great Mighty Poo in Conker's Bad Fur Day and Conker: Live and Reloaded, as they are both bosses who sing verses during their boss fights.
  • In It's Christmas 4 Bad Guyz 2, Drill-X sings a variation of his song with words changed to sound jolly.
  • Drill-X is the only boss in Giants who has a health meter.
  • In the Wii version, due to culling, part of his body starts to disappear as the fight progresses, noticeably in the third phase of the battle.
  • Mesmeralda is similar to Drill-X, as they both have their own song in battle.
  • Despite the subtitles showing that Drill-X says “‘Cause the power won’t drop”, “and the drillin’ won’t stop”, he actually says: “‘Cause my power don’t drop”, “and my driller won’t stop”.
  • In alpha builds of Giants, Drill-X used a placeholder model of the unused Spider Tank from Spyro's Adventure with a drill attached.[3]


  1. Skylanders: Portal Casters 10th Anniversary Celebration Pt. 5 - Alex Ness. (Date Posted - Oct 16, 2021). Youtube.
  2. Skylanders: Giants Official Strategy Guide, Burning Questions!, page 196
  3. Skylanders Giants Alpha - Early and Unused Enemy Showcase. (Date Posted - Oct 21, 2022). YouTube.
Non Playable Characters

Brock - Chompy Mage - Brute - Drill-X - Pipsqueak - Robo-Kaos
Squidbeard - Rustbeard - Captain Frightbeard
