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“Invade the pirate's stronghold and bring back the Twin Spouts.”
    —Chapter Subtitle

Dark Water Cove is the sixth chapter in Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. It is a pirate hideout where the Skylanders have to go alongside Gurglefin to retrieve the Twin Spouts of Ocea Major-Minor.


Dark Water Cove, as its name would suggest, is a nighttime-themed pirate hideout set on the sea. Docks, ships, and pirate houses populate this level, along with glowing lanterns, skeleton torches, and a mystic stone temple.


The Skylander arrives at the pirate hideout alongside Gurglefin on his ship in order to reclaim the Twin Spouts of Ocea Major-Minor. However, the main gate to the hideout is closed, forcing Gurglefin to dock at the outer island. Once exiting the ship, the Skylander and Gurglefin are spotted by the pirate artillery, who quickly fire at their ship and sink it. Fighting through the pirates, the Skylander eventually locates a temple near the top of the waterfalls, where the pirates hold their auctions. Entering the temple, the Skylander finds the Twin Spouts, but they are surrounded by enemies as the temple doors close behind them. After defeating the enemies, the Skylander claims the Twin Spouts.

In order to escape the pirate hideout, the Skylander needs to capture one of the pirate frigates, The Elvenship. However, the main gate is still closed, requiring a switch at the top of a nearby tower to open. After defeating a few more pirates, the Skylander reaches the switch and activates it, allowing Gurglefin to sail the frigate back toward the Ruins.


Dark Water Cove
Chapter Completion Collections
• Locate the Twin Spouts
• Retrieve the Twin Spouts
• Escape in the Pirate Ship
• Enemy Goal
• No Lives Lost
• All Areas Found (11)
• Cleared in under 04:40
• Soul Gems (2)
• Legendary Treasure (1)
• Hats (2)
• Treasure Chests (3)
• Story Scroll (1)

Dark Water Cove
Chapter Completion Collections
• Locate the Twin Spouts
• Retrieve the Twin Spouts
• Escape in the Pirate Ship
• Enemy Goal
• No Lives Lost
• All Areas Found (11)
• Cleared in under 06:03
• Soul Gems (2)
• Legendary Treasure (1)
• Hats (2)
• Treasure Chests (3)
• Story Scroll (1)

Areas To Find

New Enemies

Lost Islands

In Skylanders: Lost Islands, Dark Water Cove is one of the locations to which Skylanders can adventure. It is unlocked for all Skylanders of Hero Rank 6 and above, and Adventures there take seven hours and 1,460 Energy, rewarding 1,000 Hero Points and 6,000 Gold.



  • The design of the Ancient Temple appears to have been inspiration for the stone architecture seen in the Aqueduct.
  • Despite Gurglefin's ship being sunk by pirates in this chapter, it reappears completely fine back at the Ruins.
Spyro's Adventure
Skylands (World) - The Ruins (Hub)

Main Chapters
Shattered Island - Perilous Pastures - Sky Schooner Docks - Stormy Stronghold - Oilspill Island
Dark Water Cove - Leviathan Lagoon - Crystal Eye Castle - Stonetown - Treetop Terrace - Falling Forest
Troll Warehouse- Goo Factory - Battlefield -Crawling Catacombs - Cadaverous Crypt - Creepy Citadel
Molekin Mine - Lava Lakes Railway - Quicksilver Vault - Arkeyan Armory - Lair of Kaos
Battle Arenas
Mushroom Grove - Cyclops Square - Aqueduct - Volcanic Vault - Troll Factory
Icicle Isle - Pirate Grotto - The Necropolis - Cube Dungeon
3DS Areas
Radiant Isles (World) - Sanctuary (Hub) - Dark Mirror (Endgame Level)
Brighthold Battlements - Rivenrock Caverns - Whitefall Summits - Faylair Jungle - Galecrack Ruins
3DS Area Levels
Towersight Fields - The Proving Grounds - Flooded Viaducts - Radiant Fountain - Dreamgardens
Ashburrow - Magma Bank Island - Cinderstream Pass - Luminous Quarry - Lava Flow Grotto
Snowblind Hills - Frostsedge - Glacial Slopes - Icelight - Aurora Peak
Leaflook Village - Breakmarsh - Daystar Temple - Treetop Circle - Waterwalk Way
Sunblight Wood - Thundersquall - Whipwind Mountains - Stormseye - Galecrack Castle
