Cube Dungeon is the Battle Arena that is unlocked with the Dragon's Peak Adventure Pack. This arena has six Bounce Pads and three Teleporters.
Cube Dungeon is a white stone structure set in a brilliant blue sky. Intricate patterns, pillars, vines, and a dark stone dragon head decorate the arena.
Arena Hazards[]
The Cube Dungeon is named for its hazard, the Cube, a gelatinous cube shaped monster. The Cube bounces around the lowest level with no set path. Skylanders struck by the Cube suffer damage. If the Cube passes over food, the food disappears.
Lost Islands[]
In Skylanders: Lost Islands, Cube Dungeon is one of the locations to which Skylanders can adventure. It is unlocked for all Air Skylanders of Hero Rank 8 and above, and Adventures there take twenty-two hours and 4,200 Energy, rewarding 1,750 Hero Points and 15,500 Gold.
- The Cube is a reference to the Gelatinous Cube monster from the Dungeons & Dragons series. Like the monster, the Cube in this dungeon seems mindless, absorbs any food on its path and fits perfectly in its corridors.