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“Acquire the Crystal Eye from the Cyclopes' castle.”
    —Chapter Subtitle

Crystal Eye Castle is the eighth chapter in Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. It is a stronghold where the Cyclopses contained the Crystal Eye, after which they named their castle.


Crystal Eye Castle is a sprawling Cyclops fortress built atop a sandy, hilly landscape containing a few waterfalls. The castle appears to be partly broken down, but still contains decorative features such as vines, stained-glass windows, and blinking eyeball sentries. Winged Cyclops monsters fly through the background of the level's dusty sky.


As they arrive at the entrance of the fortress, Diggs the Molekin explains to the Skylander that he saw the Crystal Eye at the very top of the castle before he escaped. In order to get up to the top, the Skylander must destroy the two Seeing Towers to open the big gate protecting the castle. Diggs starts to explain what happens after opening the gate, but he is sent flying by a rolling barrel from a Timidclops. The Skylander battles through the fortress, taking on multiple kinds of Cyclopses along the way.

Eventually, the Skylander destroys both Seeing Towers, which lowers the gate blocking the top of the castle. The Skylander enters the Tower of Eyes, where the Crystal Eye remains guarded by several Cyclopses and Crunchers. Defeating all of the enemies, the Skylander claims the Crystal Eye and meets up with Diggs to return to the Ruins and add the Eye to the Core of Light.


Crystal Eye Castle
Chapter Completion Collections
• Destroy the two Towers
• Get the Crystal Eye
• Enemy Goal
• No Lives Lost
• All Areas Found (8)
• Cleared in under 05:35
• Soul Gems (1)
• Legendary Treasure (1)
• Hats (2)
• Treasure Chests (3)
• Story Scroll (1)

Crystal Eye Castle
Chapter Completion Collections
• Destroy the two Towers
• Get the Crystal Eye
• Enemy Goal
• No Lives Lost
• All Areas Found (8)
• Cleared in under 05:59
• Soul Gems (1)
• Legendary Treasure (1)
• Hats (2)
• Treasure Chests (3)
• Story Scroll (1)

Areas To Find

New Enemies

Related Achievements / Trophies

  • Get me if you can!: Complete Crystal Eye Castle without being hit by any of the rolling barrels.

Lost Islands

In Skylanders: Lost Islands, Crystal Eye Castle is one of the locations to which Skylanders can adventure. It is unlocked for all Magic Skylanders of Hero Rank 5 and above, and Adventures there take four hours and 860 Energy, rewarding 650 Hero Points and 3,800 Gold.



  • This is the first chapter in the series to feature the Cyclopses and Molekin.
  • Crystal Eye Castle is the only chapter of Spyro's Adventure to have a Soul Gem next to an Elemental Gate.
  • In the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions, the Chompy Pods behind the Undead Elemental Gate spawn regular Chompies instead of Crunchers.
    • In said console ports, there is an additional Cyclops Mammoth that appears in the Inner Courtyard. Strangely, this Cyclops Mammoth will act like it is attached to a post, and will fail to attack the Skylander even if they are standing right in front of it.
Spyro's Adventure
Skylands (World) - The Ruins (Hub)

Main Chapters
Shattered Island - Perilous Pastures - Sky Schooner Docks - Stormy Stronghold - Oilspill Island
Dark Water Cove - Leviathan Lagoon - Crystal Eye Castle - Stonetown - Treetop Terrace - Falling Forest
Troll Warehouse- Goo Factory - Battlefield -Crawling Catacombs - Cadaverous Crypt - Creepy Citadel
Molekin Mine - Lava Lakes Railway - Quicksilver Vault - Arkeyan Armory - Lair of Kaos
Battle Arenas
Mushroom Grove - Cyclops Square - Aqueduct - Volcanic Vault - Troll Factory
Icicle Isle - Pirate Grotto - The Necropolis - Cube Dungeon
3DS Areas
Radiant Isles (World) - Sanctuary (Hub) - Dark Mirror (Endgame Level)
Brighthold Battlements - Rivenrock Caverns - Whitefall Summits - Faylair Jungle - Galecrack Ruins
3DS Area Levels
Towersight Fields - The Proving Grounds - Flooded Viaducts - Radiant Fountain - Dreamgardens
Ashburrow - Magma Bank Island - Cinderstream Pass - Luminous Quarry - Lava Flow Grotto
Snowblind Hills - Frostsedge - Glacial Slopes - Icelight - Aurora Peak
Leaflook Village - Breakmarsh - Daystar Temple - Treetop Circle - Waterwalk Way
Sunblight Wood - Thundersquall - Whipwind Mountains - Stormseye - Galecrack Castle
