Skylanders Wiki

The Creepy Citadel is a location within the Underworld where the Skylanders go to retrieve the Eternal Undead Source.


Creepy Citadel is an Undead castle built upon a dark swamp. Unlike the previous two Undead levels, this one possesses a gray sky filled with mist. Many unsettling sounds haunt Creepy Citadel, including wolf howls, crow caws, witch cackling, and tolling bells.


Creepy Citadel
Chapter Completion Collections
• Enter the Castle
• Retrieve the Undead Source
• Enemy Goal
• No Lives Lost
• All Areas Found (7)
• Cleared in under 10:15
• Soul Gems (1)
• Legendary Treasure (1)
• Hats (1)
• Treasure Chests (3)
• Story Scroll (1)

Creepy Citadel
Chapter Completion Collections
• Enter the Castle
• Retrieve the Undead Source
• Enemy Goal
• No Lives Lost
• All Areas Found (7)
• Cleared in under 12:03
• Soul Gems (1)
• Legendary Treasure (1)
• Hats (1)
• Treasure Chests (3)
• Story Scroll (1)

Areas To Find

New Enemies

Other game appearances

Skylanders: Lost Islands

In Skylanders: Lost Islands, Creepy Citadel is one of the locations to which Skylanders can adventure. It is unlocked for all Undead Skylanders of Hero Rank 8 and above, and Adventures there take twenty-two hours and 4,200 Energy, rewarding 1,750 Hero Points and 15,500 Gold.


  • Grill Master Chop Chop mentions in his quest in Skylanders: Lost Islands that vegetarian zombies live in the Citadel.
  • In Skylanders: Lost Islands, Eye-Brawl's eye mentions that his war with the Headless Giant started in the Creepy Citadel.
  • The main door archways of the Creepy Citadel has heads of the scrapped Skylander Sun Dragon.
  • The Creepy Citadel shares a number of features with Quicksilver Vault.
    • In the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 ports, both levels have areas titled "Skeleton Gate," "Main Gate," and "The Grand Ballroom."
    • Similar broken claw designs, burning braziers, and stone dragon heads appear in both levels.
Spyro's Adventure
Skylands (World) - The Ruins (Hub)

Main Chapters
Shattered Island - Perilous Pastures - Sky Schooner Docks - Stormy Stronghold - Oilspill Island
Dark Water Cove - Leviathan Lagoon - Crystal Eye Castle - Stonetown - Treetop Terrace - Falling Forest
Troll Warehouse- Goo Factory - Battlefield -Crawling Catacombs - Cadaverous Crypt - Creepy Citadel
Molekin Mine - Lava Lakes Railway - Quicksilver Vault - Arkeyan Armory - Lair of Kaos
Battle Arenas
Mushroom Grove - Cyclops Square - Aqueduct - Volcanic Vault - Troll Factory
Icicle Isle - Pirate Grotto - The Necropolis - Cube Dungeon
3DS Areas
Radiant Isles (World) - Sanctuary (Hub) - Dark Mirror (Endgame Level)
Brighthold Battlements - Rivenrock Caverns - Whitefall Summits - Faylair Jungle - Galecrack Ruins
3DS Area Levels
Towersight Fields - The Proving Grounds - Flooded Viaducts - Radiant Fountain - Dreamgardens
Ashburrow - Magma Bank Island - Cinderstream Pass - Luminous Quarry - Lava Flow Grotto
Snowblind Hills - Frostsedge - Glacial Slopes - Icelight - Aurora Peak
Leaflook Village - Breakmarsh - Daystar Temple - Treetop Circle - Waterwalk Way
Sunblight Wood - Thundersquall - Whipwind Mountains - Stormseye - Galecrack Castle
