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“Cockadoodledoo, racers, and welcome to Cluck's Cuckoo Nest! Unfortunately, it looks like the chickens have flown the coop, and it means that in order to win this race, you won't just have to pick your opponents, you'll might also have to break a few eggs. So let's get this thing crackin'! ”
“Ten-hut, racers! It looks like Cluck's chicken army has overrun the track in this section. Unfortunately, that means that in order to achieve victory, you're going to have to do more than race in this hot zone, you're also going to have to break a few eggs. That is all. Diiismissed!”
    —Pandergast (Racing)

Cluck's Cuckoo Nest is a race track taking place inside Cap'n Cluck's Chicken HQ in Skylanders: SuperChargers and Skylanders: SuperChargers Racing, unlocked by the Sky Trophy. The Boss Pursuit opponent of this track is, as its name implies, Cluck. Like all other SuperChargers tracks, Cluck's Cuckoo Nest returns in the racing mode of Skylanders: Imaginators.

Event Challenges[]

These are the challenges the player will face in SuperChargers Racing.

  • The Wicked Tour
    • Race
    • Dogfight
    • Ghost Race



  • Though Pandergast changes his intro speech from chicken puns to millitary terms between versions, the level changes very little with no relation to the speech.
  • Despite not having area designations in-game, Cluck's Cuckoo Nest has a number of unused area names:
    • Egg Bombing
    • Trench
    • Egg Supplies
    • Mystical Roots
    • Huge Tree
    • Wooden Factory
    • HenHouse
    • Catterpillars Camp
Skylands (World) - Skylanders Academy (Hub) - Racelandia (Racing World)

Chapter Areas
The Rift to Skylands - The Cloudbreather's Crag - The Cloud Kingdom - Land of the Undead - BattleBrawl Island
Spell Punk Library - Gadfly Glades - Cap'n Cluck's Chicken HQ - Monstrous Isles - Ridepocalypse Demo Derby
Vault of the Ancients - The Bandit Train - The Sky Eater
Race Tracks
Chompy Garden - Dragon Spine - Frozen Fossil Festival - Mystical Vault - Calamity Canyon - Cloud Factory
Temple of Arkus - The After Party - Tropic Plunder - The Golden Temple - Cluck's Cuckoo Nest - The Clock Rock
SuperChargers Racing Tracks
Chompy Mountain - Trollympic Village - Temple of Boom - Pandercastle Raceway - Grill-X's Big BBQ
Pandercastle Skyride - Robomill Forest - Frosty Volcano - Cactus Canyon - Arkeyan Forge
Gooey Goo Works - Octoasis - Pandercastle Waterpark - Middle of Snowhere - Risky Rapids
