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Cloudbreak Core is the last story level in Skylanders: Swap Force. This is where the final battle takes place where Kaos is empowered by the Petrified Darkness into the ultimate Evilizer set to corrupt the Cloudbreak Volcano, becoming a being called Super Evil Kaos.


Cloudbreak Core takes place within the heart of Mount Cloudbreak, which is filled with ancient stone pillars and platforms. These ruins bear Ancient runes and glow with mystical blue light, emphasizing the magical nature of the volcano.


Crushing de-feet[]

In this stage, Kaos begins to stomp on the ground causing damaging shockwaves and leaves his evilized toenails vulnerable to attack. After the toenails on one foot are destroyed, he stomps twice instead of once. After destroying the crystals, he proceeds to put the Skylander in his mouth in an attempt to eat them.

Inside mouth[]

In this stage, Kaos begins to slam down his teeth to cause shockwaves. You must destroy the crystals on the back of his teeth. He may also throw in enemies such as Chompies and Geargolems. After destroying the crystals he manages spits the Skylanders out and they fall into his ear, entering his mind which commences the next phase.

Kaos's brain[]

In this stage, Kaos's brain can bring his thoughts to life, he begins to think about a mini Evil Glumshanks tank that chases you around but is invulnerable. Then he stops and thinks about Grumblebum Thrashers and Boom Bosses that are larger and stronger. After defeating all the enemies, Kaos loses his focus and launches three evilized crystals that you need to destroy. Be careful, he summons multiple missiles to rain down. After destroying the crystals, he thinks of Arkeyan Rip-Rotors and Cyclops Gazermages which are stronger too. After defeating the enemies, he launches 3 more crystals which you need to destroy, but there is also a zeppelin in the back shooting bombs. Once you destroy the crystals, Kaos prepares to think about the most evil and diabolical thing he can think of. He thinks of sheep with Kaos heads. He just summons more and more, they are no danger, just simply attack them to knock them away. After getting rid of those sheep, Kaos launches the last three evilized crystals, he also brings out Mesmeralda's puppet bombs. After destroying all the crystals, Kaos sneezes you out and begins the next and final phase.

Final phase[]

In this phase, you need to get to the cannon and try to avoid Kaos in the background. All Kaos does is let off an extremely powerful jet of evilized fire that knocks back the Skylander. Be careful with the holes on the stage. Once you reach the cannon, rapidly press the secondary button to aim the cannon towards Kaos's head which then fires to destroy the crystals on his head thus finishing the battle.

Quotes from Kaos[]

Crushing De-feet[]

  • "Witness your crushing de-feet! Hahahaha! Oh yes, I did." - When starting battle
  • "Even my foot is full of evil Skylame-o's!"
  • "Hahahahahahaha! Pitiful Skylander fools! Now, fear my totally awesome thunder stance of DOOOOOM!"
  • "My foot is awesome, I tell you! Fear it! Fear my giant evilized foot!"
  • "Run, run! Run from my evil doom foot!"
  • "Say hello to the evil toes of Kaos!"
  • "(sniffs) Smell that? It's the smell of my awesome victory!"
  • "You think you can stop me? While I'm putting my foot down...LITERALLY!"

Destroying the toenails[]

  • "Curse you, Skylander! I have very sensitive toes! (yells out in pain)"
  • "No! Stay away from my toes!"

When the toenails on one of his feet are destroyed[]

  • "Not my beautiful evil toes! Time to make Skylanders go splat!"

When the toenails on both his feet are destroyed[]

  • "Time for a late night Skylander snack."

Inside Mouth[]

When crystals are being destroyed[]

  • "Grr! My evilness!"
  • "Hey, hey! Get away from my teeth, you pitiful Skylosers!"
  • "Leave my evil teeth alone!"

Summoning Minions into Mouth[]

  • "I need something to get that taste out. Fire Golem! Destroy the Skylanders, and cleanse my palate!"
  • "That... Is HOT!"
  • "Feeling lonely in there? Don't worry. I've brought some friends to keep you company!"
  • "You Skylanders are a real pain in my mouth!"
  • "I need more iron in my diet!"
  • "Minions! Keep those Skylanders away from my evil molars!"
  • "Sweet!"
  • "Mmm!"
  • "Ah, tasty!"

Inside Brain[]

When first appearing[]

  • "Hahahahahaha! You miserable fools have made a colossal mistake! COLOSSAL, I TELL YOU! Behold, as my magnificent evilized brain now bring all of my brilliant evil thoughts to life!"

Summoning Evil Glumshanks into Brain[]

  • "Glumshanks, come clean up this mess!"

When Evil Glumshanks falls[]

  • "Curse you, Glumshanks! Even in my head, you're useless!"

Summoning Minions into Brain[]

  • "Let's see what you think of this!"
  • "YES! More minions!"
  • "Amazing at what you can do when you put your mind to it, isn't it?"

Summoning Boom Bosses into Brain[]

  • "Time to serve up some TROLLS!"

When enemies are defeated or crystals are being destroyed[]

  • "Ugh! I lost my train of thought! Ooh, an evil train. Interesting..."
  • "Eh? Where am I? Oh, yes. Thinking of something evil..."
  • "Oh, you meddling Skylanders! You're giving me a pounding headache!"
  • "Curses! I almost had it, and you knocked it loose!"

When summoning falling missiles[]

  • "Focus, Super Evil Kaos... Time to rain heavy doom down on these Skylosers..."

Summoning Cyclops Gazermages into Brain[]

  • "Clearly, I have to keep an eye on you. Cyclopses, attack!"

When summoning airship[]

  • "Floating away on my evil airship... And smashing things. Yeah!"

Before summoning Kaos Sheep[]

  • "Now, to summon the most dastardly, despicable and deadly thing I can think of. Something to make you tremble in...TERROR!"

When summoning puppet bombs[]

  • "I may not remember much from Mesmeralda's Show, but I DO remember THESE!"


When first appearing[]

  • "Ah... Aah... AAH... ACHOO!"
  • "Eh? What is this contraption? You can't stop evil!"

Taunting the Skylander[]

  • "There is no escape from Kaos!"
  • "Run! Run to your evil doom!"
  • "I am the ultimate Evilizer! You can't escape me!"
  • "Feel the burn, Skylosers! FEEL IT!"
  • "Are you lost? Let me give you a HAND!"
  • "Now, I've got you!"

When Skylander fires up the cannon[]

  • "No! You can't do this to Kaos!"



  • Although most of Cloudbreak Core takes place to musical variations of Kaos's theme, the final phase of the battle reuses dramatic music from The Necropolis.
  • The story of Swap Force began and ended in the Mount Cloudbreak volcano, giving the player the sense that they have gone on a huge journey, coming full circle to beat the final boss in the area where it all began.[1]


Swap Force
Cloudbreak Islands (World) - Woodburrow (Hub) - Skylands (3DS World) - Boom Town (3DS Hub)

Main Chapters
Mount Cloudbreak - Cascade Glade - Mudwater Hollow - Rampant Ruins - Jungle Rumble - Iron Jaw Gulch
Motleyville - Twisty Tunnels - Serpent's Peak - Boney Islands - Winter Keep - Frostfest Mountains
Mesmeralda's Show - Fantasm Forest - Kaos' Fortress - Motherly Mayhem - Cloudbreak Core
3DS Chapters
Sky Docks - Spooky Woods - Toadstool Terrace - Fountain Springs - The Fuel Machine
Shimmer Shard Shire - Crystal Caverns - Twilight Fortress - Above the Sea - Robot Factory
Robot Assembly Center - Samurai Springs - Bonsai Bay - Fire Flow Valley - The Party Town
Down the River - The Haunted Villa - Clockwork Castle - Clockwork Arena
