Cap'n Cluck's Chicken HQ, also known as Cap'n Cluck's King-Sized Chicken, is the main headquarters for Cluck's fast-food chicken business. Fox employees are seen throughout the headquarters overseeing the production of the special chicken feed that holds the ability to shrink and enlarge things that have come into contact with it. In reality, the business is all a disguise to hide Cluck's master plan to use the Kolossal Kernel to enlarge his chicken army and take over Skylands.
Chapter 29: Fowl Play[]
- Get the Kolossal Kernel
Chapter 30: Running Afowl[]
- Drop Feed in Water Supply - Sea Vehicle Dock area
Chapter 31: Cuckoo's Nest[]
- Defeat CockadoodleDoom - Sky Vehicle Area
- Get to Cluck's Office
Chapter 32: Big Boss Cluck[]
New enemies[]
- Blade Skhurts
- Hammerheads
- Lift Lofters
- Steam Squirts
- Trash Thrashers
- Rubbish Rockets
- Salvage Scrappers
- Turbo Birds
- The employees are all Foxes, which is odd since foxes are natural predators to chickens.
- One fox employee hints that their training area called "The Circle of Trust" is a henhouse and that she and her fellow employees don't go in there since it is preposterous for a fox to be in a henhouse.
- Cap'n Cluck's King-Sized Chicken business is a reference to fast-food chains' operations.
- Hitting one of the chickens in this level with a Fire Skylander's attack will cause it to burst into flames, run forward, and turn into a chicken food item. Strangely, Spyro's flame breath cannot do the same.
- Skylanders with ice abilities can turn the chickens into seafood.
- While most of this level uses original music, the Cuckoo's Nest area employs a remix of Chompy Mountain's theme.